Generating a Warranty Registration
You can generate a warranty registration during invoice creation or by updating an existing invoice. Each item on the invoice can be registered for a warranty when the following conditions have been met:
Warranty tracking is enabled on the item record. For information, see Setting Up Warranty Information on the Item Record.
The item belongs to any of the supported types and there is available quantity on hand. For more information, see Warranty and Repairs Management Limitations.
See the following topics for information about maintaining invoices and autogenerated registration records:
To generate a warranty registration:
To access a new or existing invoice record, do either of the following:
For a new invoice, go to Transactions > Sales > Create Invoices.
For instructions on entering general invoice details, see Creating an Invoice.
Important:If the following features are enabled, be sure that their corresponding fields are properly defined: Class, Department, and Location. You cannot edit these fields on the autogenerated registration record.
For an existing invoice, go to Transactions > Sales > Create Invoices > List, and then click the Edit link for the invoice to be updated.
On the Items subtab of the invoice record, select the warranty item from the list in the Item column.
For each warranty item, enter the values in the following line item columns:
In the Quantity column, enter the total number of items for this invoice.
In the Units column, select the sales unit for the quantity if your account has the Multiple Units of Measure feature enabled.
For serial and lot numbered items, the base item unit is used on the registration record.
To register items with varying serial or lot numbers, select the base unit and then set the quantity for each number on the Inventory Detail. Alternately, you can add a separate line item for each serial or lot number. To learn more, see Best Practices for Updating Invoices with Warranty Records.
Click the Inventory Details icon to register serial or lot numbered items.
On the Inventory Details popup window, select the serial or lot numbers and then set the quantity for each number. For more information, see Basic Inventory Management.
In the Ship To column, you can review and edit the shipping address.
This column is displayed only if you use the Multiple Shipping Routes feature and have checked the Enable Item Line Shipping box. If you do not want to enter a shipping address per line item, you can edit the address on the Shipping subtab. For more information about the feature, see Multiple Shipping Routes.
In the Register Warranty column, check the box for the warranty item.
If you enabled the preference to automatically register a warranty, the box is checked even when the invoice is generated from another transaction. Before generating the registration, you can update the Register Warranty setting.
The preference to automatically register a warranty is not supported for invoices generated from an opportunity. In this case, you can edit the generated invoice to manually check the Register Warranty box. For more information about the preference, see Setting Warranty Preferences.
Note:When creating an invoice, you can choose to show or hide the Warranty Registration List subtab on the record using this column. If you leave this box clear for any and all line items you add to the invoice, the Warranty Registration List subtab is not shown when the invoice is saved. If at least one item on the invoice has the Register Warranty column checked, the Warranty Registration List subtab is shown on the invoice record when it is saved.
To replace the default term, select a term from the list in the Warranty Terms column field. For the Administrator role only, if you want to create a new term, select New from the list.
Note:Changing a Fixed or Calculated term removes the date from the Original Warranty Expiration column field. You can reset the date by switching it back to the default term on the item record.
To replace the default warranty expiration for Fixed terms, in the Original Warranty Expiration column field, enter the new date or click the Calendar icon to pick a date.
Click Add to save the new or updated line items.
On the Shipping subtab, you can review or edit the shipping address depending on your account setup:
If you use the Multiple Shipping Routes feature and have checked the Enable Item Line Shipping box, you can only review the address for each line item on this subtab. You can edit the address per line item on the Items subtab. If you did not enable item line shipping, you can edit the address in the Ship To field on this subtab. For more information about the feature, see Multiple Shipping Routes.
On the autogenerated registration, the Ship To Address field is populated with the address from the Ship To field on this subtab or from the line item of the Items subtab.
Click Save to save the invoice record.
Saving the invoice record automatically starts the generation of warranty records. Generation is handled by a scheduled script, so you may not to see the records immediately. On the invoice, click the Warranty Registration List subtab to view the list of successfully generated registration records. Only active registration records are displayed in the list. To open a record, click the corresponding View link in the View Registration column. If you have to manually enter registration numbers, you can edit the record to enter your own registration number.
Best Practices for Updating Invoices with Warranty Records
This section contains best practices when updating invoice records linked to generated warranty registrations.
Before generating a warranty from the invoice, verify that all line item details are correct. Line items linked to registration records cannot be removed from the invoice. You cannot replace or change the warranty item for these line items. This condition is true unless all associated registration records are deleted. When all registration records associated with a line item are deleted, the Register Warranty box is automatically cleared.
Warranty information in line items cannot be updated. For serial and lot numbered warranty items, you can remove or change the serial or lot number on the inventory details record. If you do so, you must also manually update them on their corresponding registration records. However, these fields cannot be updated when the registration is already associated with a claim. For the complete list of editable fields, refer to the table in the topic, Editing a Warranty Registration.
Review the setup of the unit of measure on the item record. For serial and lot numbered items, the base unit is used as the unit of measure on the autogenerated registration record. The quantity for serialized items is always set to 1. For more information, see Serial and Lot Inventory with Multiple Units of Measure.
For example, you have a serial and lot numbered item with the base unit Piece, and another unit Box with a conversion rate of 5. In the invoice line item, you selected Box as the unit of measure and 1 for the quantity. For the inventory detail, you selected a serial number and set the quantity to 1 to match the line item quantity.
If the item is serialized, five registration records are generated, each with Piece as the unit and 1 as the quantity.
If the item is lot numbered, one registration record is generated, with Piece as the unit and 5 as the quantity.
To register items with different serial or lot numbers in a single line item, select the base unit and total quantity. For the inventory detail, you can select the numbers and set their quantity.
After generating a registration from an invoice, changes to the following fields on the invoice are not automatically reflected in their corresponding fields on the associated warranty registration records: Quantity, Units or Unit of Measure, and Ship To address.
You have to manually update the fields on the registration record. For serialized items, the quantity and unit of measure cannot be edited on the autogenerated registration record.
Avoid updating the Quantity field in existing line items with warranties. For serialized and lot numbered items on the invoice:
If you want to increase the quantity, add a new line item where you can enter the additional quantity and the new serial or lot numbers. New registration records are generated when you check the Register Warranty box for this line item.
If you want to reduce the quantity, delete the serial or lot number from the inventory details record. In the line item, you can enter the new quantity that corresponds to the reduced total quantity in the inventory details. After updating the invoice, you can void the registration record by checking its Inactive box.