Revenue Element Field Reference

You can view revenue elements as independent records or on the Revenue Elements subtab of a revenue arrangement. You can only edit the revenue element fields on the subtab of the revenue arrangement.

To view individual revenue element records, go to Revenue > Non-Transaction Revenue Recognition Records > View Revenue Elements. Then click View for the revenue element record you want.

The individual revenue element records include a Merge Arrangement History subtab. This subtab includes links to the arrangements the element has been merged to and from with the dates of the merges. It also includes a link to a snapshot of the pre-merge revenue arrangement.


If you want to include fields from revenue elements in your sales transaction searches, use fields from the Generated Revenue Element Fields joined record. Fields from the Revenue Element Fields joined records return values only for revenue arrangement searches.

The following tables lists the fields on the Revenue Element page. The fields that you can edit on the Revenue Elements subtab of a revenue arrangement are indicated in bold. Unless otherwise noted in the field name, all currency values are in the revenue arrangement currency.



Revenue Element

Link to revenue element record. The revenue element ID is configured on the Other subtab of the Set Up Auto-Generated Numbers page. For more information, see Set Auto-Generated Numbers.

This field appears only as a column in the Revenue Element sublist of the revenue arrangement, not as a field on the Revenue Element page.


Identifies the source record (read-only)

Source Date

Date of source record (read-only)

Effective Start Date

This field is blank except when the revenue element is part of a prospective merge (read-only). In that case, the Effective Start Date is equal to the Change Order Effective Date. For details, see Prospective Merges.

Effective End Date

This field is blank unless the revenue element was ended by a prospective merge (read-only). In that case, the Effective End Date is one day earlier than the Change Order Effective Date. For details, see Prospective Merges.

Revenue Arrangement

Link to the Revenue Arrangement that includes this revenue element.

This field appears only on the Revenue Element page, not as a column on the Revenue Element sublist of the revenue arrangement.


Revenue element number (read only)

This field appears only on the Revenue Element page, not as a column on the Revenue Element sublist of the revenue arrangement. In the sublist, the Revenue Element column displays this number as a link to the page.

Last Merged from Arrangement

Link to the previous revenue arrangement

This field appears on the Revenue Element page, but by default not as a column on the Revenue Element sublist of the revenue arrangement. It is included in Sublist Fields for custom revenue arrangement forms.


Link to item record (read-only)

Original Quantity

Quantity of item in the source (read-only)

This field is blank except when the revenue element is part of a prospective merge.


This read-only field is the same as the Original Quantity, unless the revenue arrangement has participated in the prospective merge process.

In a prospective merge, the Quantity is the residual quantity calculated using the residual ratio. In the locked revenue arrangement after the prospective merge, the Quantity is the Original Quantity minus the residual quantity. For details, see Prospective Merges.


Unit of measure (read-only). This field is included only when the Multiple Units of Measure feature is enabled.


Included only when the Multiple Currencies feature is enabled. The value is derived from the source documents (read-only) and is the transaction currency, not base currency.

This field appears on the Revenue Element page, not as a column on the Revenue Element sublist of the revenue arrangement. The Currency field is included in the Classification section of the revenue arrangement.

Exchange Rate

Foreign currency exchange rate (read-only). This field is the exchange rate from the source.

Sales Amount

Gross sales amount for quantity sold (read-only)

Original Discounted Sales Amount

Sales amount for quantity sold net of discounts from the source (read-only).

This field is blank except when the revenue element is part of a prospective merge.

Discounted Sales Amount

This read-only field is the same as the Original Discounted Sales Amount, unless the revenue arrangement has participated in a prospective merge.

In a prospective merge, the Discounted Sales Amount equals the Original Discounted Sales Amount minus the amount recognized prior to the prospective merge.

In the locked revenue arrangement, the Discounted Sales Amount equals the amount recognized prior to the prospective merge. For details, see Prospective Merges.

Residual Discounted Sales Amount

This read-only field is blank unless the revenue arrangement has participated in a prospective merge.

In a prospective merge, the Residual Discounted Sales Amount equals the Original Discounted Sales Amount times (1 minus the residual ratio).

In the locked revenue arrangement, the Residual Discounted Sales Amount equals the Original Discounted Sales Amount multiplied by the residual ratio. For details, see Prospective Merges.

Base Fair Value

Base fair value from fair value price list.

This field appears only when the Advanced Revenue Management (Revenue Allocation) feature is enabled. For more information, see Enabling the Advanced Revenue Management (Revenue Allocation) Feature.

Alternate Quantity

For use in fair value formulas when the quantity to derive the fair value differs from the quantity in the source. The value must be a positive number.

When you include a value in this field and the other alternate fields, the fair value lookup searches for a match for the alternate units. The fair value price record must include values for Units Type and Units to return a match.

If the revenue element has a non-zero value and has been included in the prospective merge process, this value is prorated. In the prospective merge revenue arrangement, the prorated value is (1 minus the residual ratio) multiplied by the original alternate quantity. In the locked revenue arrangement, the prorated value is the residual ratio multiplied by the original alternate quantity.

Alternate Units Type

For use in fair value prices. This field is included only when the Multiple Units of Measure feature is enabled.

When you include a value in this field and the other alternate fields, the fair value lookup searches for a match for the alternate units. The fair value price record must include values for Units Type and Units to return a match.

Alternate Unit

For use in fair value prices. This field is included only when the Multiple Units of Measure feature is enabled.

If this field does not have a value, the other alternate fields are not used for fair value lookup.

Is Kit Item Type

When the item is a kit with the Auto-Expansion for Revenue Management box checked, the value in this field is Yes. Otherwise, this field is blank. The field is read-only. For details, see Auto-Expansion of Kit Items.

Parent Kit Element

Link to the revenue element for the parent kit of a kit component (read-only). The Auto-Expansion for Revenue Management box must be checked for the parent kit item, or else this field is blank. For details, see Auto-Expansion of Kit Items.

Calculated Fair Value Amount

Fair value price for the item from the Fair Value Price List. This amount is used to calculate the final allocation amounts.

If the element was part of prospective merge and the Recalculate Residual Fair Value box was not checked, this value is prorated. In the prospective merge revenue arrangement, the prorated value is (1 minus the residual ratio) multiplied by the original calculated fair value. In the locked revenue arrangement, the prorated value is the residual ratio multiplied by the original calculated fair value.

This field appears only when the Advanced Revenue Management (Revenue Allocation) feature is enabled. For more information, see Enabling the Advanced Revenue Management (Revenue Allocation) Feature.

Allocation Type

Allocation type from item record (or recognition treatment if you use Rule-Based Recognition Treatments).

When you merge a revenue element for a return transaction with a revenue arrangement without a linked positive element, this value changes to Exclude. For more information, see Revenue Allocation for Returns.

This field appears only when the Advanced Revenue Management (Revenue Allocation) feature is enabled. For more information, see Enabling the Advanced Revenue Management (Revenue Allocation) Feature.


Derived from the fair value price list. When the sales price is used as the fair value, this defaults to Yes.

This field appears only when the Advanced Revenue Management (Revenue Allocation) feature is enabled. For more information, see Enabling the Advanced Revenue Management (Revenue Allocation) Feature.


This is the initial delivery status for the item (read-only). Its value is derived from the item record.

This field appears only when the Advanced Revenue Management (Revenue Allocation) feature is enabled. For more information, see Enabling the Advanced Revenue Management (Revenue Allocation) Feature.

Eligible for Contingent Revenue Handling

Derived from the item record when the accounting preference Enable Contingent Revenue Handling is checked (read-only). For more information, see Contingent Revenue Handling.

This field appears only when the Advanced Revenue Management (Revenue Allocation) feature is enabled. For more information, see Enabling the Advanced Revenue Management (Revenue Allocation) Feature.

Fair Value Override

When checked, fair values are not derived from the fair value price list. You must populate the Base Fair Value and Calculated Fair Value Amount manually or by script to enable allocation.

This field appears only when the Advanced Revenue Management (Revenue Allocation) feature is enabled. For more information, see Enabling the Advanced Revenue Management (Revenue Allocation) Feature.

Revenue Allocation Group

Used in GroupSum fair value calculations with or without the Reference ID

The value comes from the item record (or recognition treatment if you use Rule-Based Recognition Treatments).

This field appears only when the Advanced Revenue Management (Revenue Allocation) feature is enabled. For more information, see Enabling the Advanced Revenue Management (Revenue Allocation) Feature.

Reference ID

Used in GroupSum fair value calculations in conjunction with Revenue Allocation Group. For more information, see GroupSum Formulas.

The default value is the source internal ID. If you edit this field, use only letters or numbers. The only special character supported is underscore.

Permit Discount

Derived from the item record.

This field appears only when the Advanced Revenue Management (Revenue Allocation) feature is enabled. For more information, see Enabling the Advanced Revenue Management (Revenue Allocation) Feature.

Posting Discount Applied

When checked, indicates that a posting discount has been applied (read-only). Revenue arrangements whose sources include a posting discount cannot be merged. They do not support revenue allocation. For more information, see Discount and Markup Items in Advanced Revenue Management (Essentials).

Revenue Amount

You can adjust this amount for individual revenue elements, but the Total Revenue Amount for the revenue arrangement must equal its Transaction Total.

When the Multiple Currency feature is enabled, this amount is in the currency displayed in the revenue arrangement header.

Revenue Allocation Ratio

The percent of the revenue arrangement’s total revenue amount that is allocated to this revenue element (read-only).

This field appears only when the Advanced Revenue Management (Revenue Allocation) feature is enabled. For more information, see Enabling the Advanced Revenue Management (Revenue Allocation) Feature.

Unbilled Receivable Group

This field is added when the accounting preference Unbilled Receivable Adjustment Journal Grouping is set to Sub-Arrangement Group. Enter an alphanumeric group ID in this field. Revenue elements within the arrangement that have the same unbilled receivable group value are calculated together. When this field is blank, the null value is treated as a group ID. For details, see Groupings for Unbilled Receivable Adjustment Journal Entries.

Linked Element

This is a link to the revenue element for an associated source. For example, if you merge arrangements for a sale and its return, the return element is linked to the sales transaction line element.

It is best practice not to set the Linked Element field on the sale revenue element. Setting the Linked Element field on the sale revenue element may cause a recursive relationship between two revenue elements. This causes the deferred revenue reclassification process to ignore those revenue elements.

Subscription Line

Link to the subscription line (read-only).

This field appears only when the Advanced Subscription Billing feature is also enabled. The field appears on the Revenue Element page, but by default not as a column on the Revenue Element sublist of the revenue arrangement. It is included in Sublist Fields for custom revenue arrangement forms.

Create Revenue Plans On

Derived from the item record (or recognition treatment if you use Rule-Based Recognition Treatments).

You can change the value of this field in the revenue element if none of the revenue recognition plans for the element have started. This field becomes read-only when a revenue recognition journal entry is created for any revenue plan associated with the revenue element.

After revenue recognition begins, only the recognition treatment lookup process can change this value. For information, see Rule-Based Recognition Treatment.

Revenue Recognition Rule

The default value is derived from the item record (or recognition treatment if you use Rule-Based Recognition Treatments).

Changing the value of this field in the revenue element affects only future revenue recognition plans, not any plans that have already been created.

Start Date

Enter this date manually when the Revenue Recognition Rule has a Rev Rec Start Date Source of Revenue Element. Without a start date, such revenue plans cannot be generated.

If revenue has already been recognized on an associated revenue recognition plan, neither the revenue plan Rev Rec Start Date nor its Planned Periods are updated.

End Date

Enter this date manually when the Revenue Recognition Rule has a Rev Rec End Date Source of Revenue Element. Without an end date, such revenue plans cannot be generated.

Term in Months

The default value is derived from the revenue recognition rule. When you change the value in the revenue element, both current and future revenue plans are affected.

On the revenue plan record, the Rev Rec End Date field and Planned Revenues subtab. The value in the Revenue Term in Months field remains the value derived from the revenue rule.

Term in Days

The default value is derived from the revenue recognition rule. When you change the value in the revenue element, both current and future revenue plans are affected.

On the revenue plan record, the Rev Rec End Date field and Planned Revenues subtab. The value in the Revenue Term in Days field remains the value derived from the revenue rule.

Rev Rec Forecast Rule

The default value is derived from the item record (or recognition treatment if you use Rule-Based Recognition Treatments).

Changing the value in the revenue element affects only future forecast plans, not any plans that have already been created.

Forecast Start Date

Enter this date manually when the Rev Rec Forecast Rule has a Rev Rec Start Date Source of Revenue Element. Without a start date, such revenue plans cannot be generated.

Forecast End Date

Enter this date manually when the Rev Rec Forecast Rule has a Rev Rec End Date Source of Revenue Element. Without an end date, such revenue plans cannot be generated.

Deferral Account

The default value is derived from the item record. You can change the value in the revenue element when no revenue recognition plans exist.

Recognition Account

The default value is derived from the item record. You can change the value in the revenue element when no revenue recognition plans exist.

Foreign Currency Adjustment Account

The default value is derived from the item record. You can change the value in the revenue element when no revenue recognition plans exist.

This field is displayed only when the Multiple Currencies feature is enabled.

Transition to New Standard

The date that the revenue element was migrated to the ASC 606/IFRS 15 standard for revenue recognition. The date is the last day of the Cut-off Period. This field is populated only after the migration of the revenue element.

Revenue Migration Adjustment Account

The account where the one-time adjustment to revenue is posted for the migration to the ASC 606/IFRS 15 standard. This field is populated only after the migration of the revenue element.

Expense Migration Adjustment Account

The account where the one-time adjustment to expense is posted for the migration to the ASC 606/IFRS 15 standard. This field is populated only after the migration of the revenue element and only when advanced cost amortization is enabled.

Revenue Plan Status

Only actual revenue recognition plans have a plan status. The following plan statuses are possible (read-only):

  • Not Started – No actual revenue plan has been created and there is no error, or all actual revenue plans have the status Not Started.

  • In Progress – One or more actual revenue plans has the status In Progress. A combination of Not Started and Completed actual revenue plans also results in this status.

  • On Hold – At least one revenue plan for the element is On Hold.

  • Complete – All actual revenue plans for the element are Complete and their total Total Recognized amounts equal the Revenue Amount for the element.

  • Plan Failed – At least one of the actual revenue plans for the revenue element was not created due to an error.

Requires Revenue Plan Update

When the box is checked, the revenue element's actual revenue recognition plans require an update.

When the box is clear, all the revenue element's actual revenue recognition plans are up to date, or the revenue element does not have existing actual revenue recognition plans.

Allocated Contract Acquisition Cost Amount (Base Currency)

This read-only field appears only when the Enable Advanced Cost Amortization accounting preference is checked. For more information, see Advanced Cost Amortization.

The portion of the direct contract acquisition costs for the revenue arrangement that is allocated to this revenue element. By default, the cost is allocated using the revenue allocation ratio for the element. You can override the default ratio.

Contract Acquisition Cost Allocation Ratio Override

This field appears only when the Enable Advanced Cost Amortization accounting preference is checked.

If you enter a value to override the default cost allocation, the total allocation ratio override for all elements in the arrangement must equal 100%.

Item Resale Cost Amount (Base Currency)

This field appears only when the Enable Advanced Cost Amortization accounting preference is checked.

You can enter a value in this field only when the Expense Account and Deferred Expense Account fields on the item record are populated.

Item Labor Cost Amount (Base Currency)

This field appears only when the Enable Advanced Cost Amortization accounting preference is checked.

Enter the cost of labor related to this item and select labor expense and deferred expense accounts.

Labor Expense Account

This field appears only when the Enable Advanced Cost Amortization accounting preference is checked.

If you entered an amount for the item labor cost, select an account for the expense.

Labor Deferred Expense Account

This field appears only when the Enable Advanced Cost Amortization accounting preference is checked.

If you entered an amount for the item labor cost, select an account for the deferred expense.

Prorated Discounted Sales Amount (Foreign Currency)

For the revenue elements on the original revenue arrangement after the prospective merge, this is the following:

The element discounted sales amount ratio in foreign currency multiplied by the total recognized amount of the arrangement in foreign currency.

The element discounted sales amount ratio in foreign currency is the element's Original Discounted Sales Amount in foreign currency divided by the total Original Discounted Sales Amount of the arrangement in foreign currency.

For the revenue elements on the live revenue arrangement after the prospective merge, this is the following:

The Premerge Prorated Discounted Sales Amount (Foreign Currency) on the original revenue arrangement minus the Prorated Discounted Sales Amount (Foreign Currency) on the original revenue arrangement.

This field appears when the Advanced Revenue Management (Revenue Allocation) feature is enabled. For more information, see Enabling the Advanced Revenue Management (Revenue Allocation) Feature.

Premerge Discounted Sales Amount (Foreign Currency)

This is the prorated discounted sales amount (foreign currency) before the prospective merge.

This field appears only when the Advanced Revenue Management (Revenue Allocation) feature is enabled. For more information, see Enabling the Advanced Revenue Management (Revenue Allocation) Feature.

Prorated Discounted Sales Amount (Base Currency)

For the revenue elements on the original revenue arrangement after the prospective merge, this is the following:

The element discounted sales amount ratio in base currency multiplied by the total recognized amount of the arrangement in base currency.

The element discounted sales amount ratio in base currency is the element's Original Discounted Sales Amount in base currency divided by the total Original Discounted Sales Amount of the arrangement in base currency.

For the revenue elements on the live arrangement after the prospective merge, this is the following:

The Premerge Prorated Discounted Sales Amount (Base Currency) on the original revenue arrangement minus the Prorated Discounted Sales Amount (Base Currency) on the original revenue arrangement.

This field appears only when the Advanced Revenue Management (Revenue Allocation) feature is enabled. For more information, see Enabling the Advanced Revenue Management (Revenue Allocation) Feature.

Premerge Discounted Sales Amount (Base Currency)

This is the prorated discounted sales amount (base currency) before the prospective merge.

This field appears only when the Advanced Revenue Management (Revenue Allocation) feature is enabled. For more information, see Enabling the Advanced Revenue Management (Revenue Allocation) Feature.


Derived from the source (read-only).




Recognition Treatment Rule

This field appears only when the Rule-Based Recognition Treatment feature is enabled. See Rule-Based Recognition Treatment.

When the recognition treatment lookup process applies a recognition treatment rule to a revenue element, the process adds a link to the treatment rule here. Otherwise, this field is blank.

Recognition Treatment

This field appears only when the Rule-Based Recognition Treatment feature is enabled. See Rule-Based Recognition Treatment.

When the recognition treatment lookup process applies a recognition treatment to a revenue element, the process adds a link to the treatment here. Otherwise, this field is blank.

Exclude from Treatment Lookup

This field appears only when the Rule-Based Recognition Treatment feature is enabled. See Rule-Based Recognition Treatment.

When this box is checked, future recognition treatment lookup processes do not affect the recognition attributes of this revenue element. To check or clear this box, edit the revenue arrangement.

This field appears only when the Advanced Revenue Management (Revenue Allocation) feature is enabled. For more information, see Enabling the Advanced Revenue Management (Revenue Allocation) Feature.

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