Viewing Revenue Arrangements

The values of most of the fields in the revenue arrangement header are derived from the sources and revenue elements. These values update automatically when the revenue arrangement is updated.

Many of the details of a revenue arrangement and some important commands are available only in view mode. However, the only way to edit revenue elements is in edit mode for the individual revenue arrangements. For details about edit mode, see Editing Revenue Arrangements.

A warning message displays on revenue arrangements that have one or more elements that require a revenue recognition plan update. If this warning displays, you should update your revenue recognition plans. For information about updating revenue recognition plans, see Updating Revenue Recognition Plans.

To view revenue arrangements, your role must include the Revenue Arrangement permission at the View level or higher. In view mode, buttons at the top of the revenue arrangement enable the following actions:

To view a revenue arrangement:

  1. Go to Revenue > Revenue Arrangements > View Revenue Arrangements to open the Revenue Arrangements list page.

  2. Click View next to the revenue arrangement you want to view.

The following fields in the revenue arrangement header cannot be directly edited. Some appear only in view mode. For a listing of the header fields that can be edited, see Editing Revenue Arrangements.

For information about the subtabs on a revenue arrangement, see Revenue Arrangement Subtabs.




Derived from the source documents. The value has a quick view of the customer record and a link to open the record.

Created from Merged Arrangements

Checked when the revenue arrangement is the result of a merge. Individual revenue element records include a Last Merged from Arrangement field with a link to the previous revenue arrangement that included them.

Merged into New Arrangements

Checked when some or all of the revenue elements from the revenue arrangement have been merged into another revenue arrangement. The Revenue Arrangement Version subtab of the Revenue Elements subtab includes links to Revenue Arrangement Version pages. For more information, see Change Information for Revenue Recognition Records.

Revenue Plan Status

This field derives its value from the revenue plan status of the revenue elements that belong to the arrangement as follows:

  • Not Started – All revenue elements have a status of Not Started.

  • In Progress – At least one revenue element has a status of In Progress, and no elements are On Hold or Plan Failed.

  • On Hold – At least one revenue element has a status of On Hold.

  • Complete – All revenue elements have a status of Complete.

  • Plan Failed – At least one revenue element has a status of Plan Failed.

For information about the Revenue Plan Status for individual revenue elements, see Revenue Element Field Reference.

Deferred Cost Journal Entries

Included only when the accounting preference Enable Advanced Cost Amortization is checked.

The link is to the current journal entry created to defer all the costs related the contract for amortization and recognition with the related revenue. The journal entry includes lines for element-specific costs. The journal entry is reversed and a new one created when you change the accrual date or the values for any costs or accounts. Links to the deferred cost journal entries are included in the Related Records subtab of the revenue arrangement.


Journal entries are displayed only if the associated item's Deferred Expense Account is of the type Deferred Expense on the Account page.

For details information, see Deferred Cost Journal Entry.

Transaction Total

Sum of the Discounted Sales Amount fields of the revenue elements.

Total Carve Out

The total revenue that has been moved between elements from the discounted sales amount to the revenue amount. This is always a positive number.

This field appears only when the Advanced Revenue Management (Revenue Allocation) feature is enabled.

Total Revenue Amount

Sum of the Revenue Amount fields of the revenue elements.

The Transaction Total and Total Revenue Amount are always equal.

Accounting Book

Included only when the Multi-Book Accounting feature is enabled. Revenue arrangements are book-specific.


Included only in NetSuite OneWorld accounts. The value is derived from the source documents.


Included only when the Multiple Currencies feature is enabled. The value is derived from the source documents.


These values are derived from the source documents.

These fields are populated in the header only when all revenue elements in the arrangement share the same value.



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