Editing Revenue Arrangements

You can edit the fields on a revenue arrangement header either individually or in bulk. The same header fields are available for edit using either method. The following procedure is for editing individual revenue arrangements. You can edit revenue elements only by editing the individual revenue arrangement. For instructions for bulk edits, see Bulk Editing Revenue Arrangements.

Your role must include the Revenue Arrangement permission at the Edit level or higher to edit arrangements.

When an individual revenue arrangement is in edit mode, the Actions list includes a Delete option. You can delete revenue arrangements before revenue recognition begins and journal entries are created. For more information, see Deleting Revenue Arrangements.

After editing a revenue arrangement, a warning message may appear indicating that you have one or more revenue elements that require a revenue recognition plan update. The revenue arrangement record includes an Update Revenue Plans button. Click this button to update revenue plans immediately after you edit the revenue arrangement. For more information about updating revenue recognition plans, see Updating Revenue Recognition Plans.

To edit a revenue arrangement:

  1. Go to Revenue > Revenue Arrangements > View Revenue Arrangements to open the Revenue Arrangements list page.

  2. Click Edit next to the revenue arrangement you want to edit.

You can edit the following fields on the revenue arrangement header. Some fields appear only when the Advanced Revenue Management (Revenue Allocation) feature is enabled. To enable Advanced Revenue Management (Revenue Allocation), see Enabling the Advanced Revenue Management (Revenue Allocation) Feature. For information about the revenue element fields you can edit, see Revenue Element Field Reference.



Revenue Arrangement #

This number is generated automatically. Whether you can change the number is controlled by the Allow Override setting for Revenue Arrangement. This setting is in the Document Number subtab of the Set Up Auto-Generated Numbers page. For more information, see Set Auto-Generated Numbers.


By default, this is either the system date when the revenue arrangement was created or a source date, depending on your accounting preferences.

For merged revenue arrangements, the date is the value of the Revenue Arrangement Date field on the Merge Revenue Arrangements from Linked Sources page.

You can type or select a new date. Associated revenue recognition plan dates are also updated if they were created based on revenue arrangement date, and if recognition has not yet begun.


You can clear the check in this box to enable reallocation. The Transaction Is Allocation Bundle box must also be checked. For more information, see Compliant Indicator for Revenue Arrangements.

This field appears only when the Advanced Revenue Management (Revenue Allocation) feature is enabled.

Transaction Is Allocation Bundle

Check this box to indicate that revenue is allocated between the revenue elements.

This field appears only when the Advanced Revenue Management (Revenue Allocation) feature is enabled.

Contract Acquisition Cost Amount (Base Currency)

Included only when the accounting preference Enable Advanced Cost Amortization is checked.

Enter the total direct contract acquisition cost for the revenue arrangement, exclusive of item-specific costs. This cost is allocated among the revenue elements. Item-specific costs for item resale and item labor are included in the revenue elements.

For details, see Advanced Cost Amortization.

Contract Acquisition Expense Account

Included only when the accounting preference Enable Advanced Cost Amortization is checked. The default is the value set in the accounting preference Contract Acquisition Expense Account.

If you edit this field after deferred cost journal entry creation, the current journal entry is reversed and a new one is created. You cannot edit this field after revenue plans are created.

Contract Acquisition Deferred Expense Account

Included only when the accounting preference Enable Advanced Cost Amortization is checked. The default is the value set in the accounting preference Contract Acquisition Deferred Expense Account.

If you edit this field after deferred cost journal entry creation, the current journal entry is reversed and a new one is created. You cannot edit this field after revenue plans are created.

Expense Source Account

Included only when the accounting preference Enable Advanced Cost Amortization is checked. The default is the value set in the accounting preference Contract Acquisition Expense Source Account.

When you select a value for this account, the deferred cost journal entry credits this account instead of the Contract Acquisition Expense Account.

If you edit this field after deferred cost journal entry creation, the current journal entry is reversed and a new one is created. You cannot edit this field after revenue plans are created.

Contract Cost Accrual Date

Included only when the accounting preference Enable Advanced Cost Amortization is checked.

The default date is the revenue arrangement date. For merged revenue arrangements, the date is the value of the Contract Cost Accrual Date on the Merge Revenue Arrangements from Linked Sources page.

If you edit this field after deferred cost journal entry creation, the current journal entry is reversed and a new one is created.


Enter notes for this arrangement. This field is included in the default list view for revenue arrangements.

Addition and Removal of Revenue Elements

You should use the Merge Revenue Arrangements for Linked Sources page to move revenue elements from one revenue arrangement to another. For more information, see Combination and Modification of Performance Obligations

The sublist row buttons are available on the Revenue Elements subtab in edit mode. If you add or remove a revenue element, you may be required to reallocate the revenue to save the revenue arrangement. Only revenue elements that do not belong to a revenue arrangement are available to add. The subsidiary and currency values of the revenue elements must be the same as the revenue arrangement. Merging handles reallocation automatically.

If you add a revenue element for a different customer to a revenue arrangement, the arrangement becomes a multiple customer arrangement. Multiple customer arrangements cannot be merged.

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