Deleting Revenue Arrangements

You can delete revenue arrangements if they have no associated transactions, such as revenue recognition or reclassification journal entries. When you delete a revenue arrangement, its revenue elements remain but are temporarily orphaned. When you next update revenue arrangements, orphaned revenue elements are reassociated with their preā€“merge revenue arrangements if any. If NetSuite finds no revenue arrangements to associate orphaned elements with, a new revenue arrangement is created. If orphaned elements are no longer associated with a source transaction or record, NetSuite deletes them.

To delete a revenue arrangement:

  1. Go to Revenue > Revenue Arrangements > View Arrangements.

  2. Click Edit next to the revenue arrangement you want to delete.

  3. From the Actions list, select Delete.

  4. When prompted, click OK to confirm the deletion.

    If transactions are associated with the revenue arrangement, an error message provides an option to identify those transactions.

To delete revenue elements, their source documents must also be deleted. For more information, see Deleting Revenue Elements.

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