Generating Auto-Create Rules

You can generate an auto-create rule for a bank or credit card account. When you create an account transaction and manually match it with an imported bank line, you can click the Make Auto-Create Rule From Selected Transactions box.


An auto-create rule can only be applied to a single account.

NetSuite can generate auto-create rules from matches on the Match Bank Data page when these criteria are met:

If these criteria are met, then the box to automatically create general ledger transactions becomes active. If you check the box, the system generates an auto-create rule after you match the transaction.

The Intelligent Transaction Matching Feature runs this auto-create rule, along with all other matching rules, on subsequent imports. For details, see Running an Auto-Create Rule.

You can add additional rule conditions to the rule and define the actions of the rule. For more information, see Editing Auto-Create Rules.

To generate an auto-create rule:

  1. If you have not already done so:

    1. Import bank or credit card data into your account in NetSuite. See Bank Data Import.

    2. Go to Transactions > Bank > Match Bank Data.

    3. From the Account list, select the bank or credit card account.

      The following fields are populated:

      • Subsidiary (if applicable).

      • Bank Balance, if your most recent account statement contains an account balance and statement date.

      • Balance As Of, if the statement contains a statement date.

      If you select an account for which NetSuite failed to import data during the latest import, a popup message displays the most recent import error. For more error details, go to Transactions > Bank > Banking Import History. See Banking Import History.

      If NetSuite successfully imported data to the selected account, the Imported Bank Data and Account Transactions grids are populated.

  2. Create a new account transaction to match with an imported bank line.

    To add a new account transaction directly on the Match Bank Data page, see the following help topics:

    After you have added the new account transaction, NetSuite displays it in the section below the data grids, as the first entry.

    If you cannot add the transaction on the Match Bank Data page because it contains additional required fields, you need to create one using a transaction entry form. See the following help topics:

  3. If you added the transaction outside of the matching process, go back to the Match Bank Data page, and then select the newly created account transaction and the corresponding imported bank line.

    NetSuite displays the items in the bottom section of the page, below the data grids.

  4. If you added a new transaction directly on the Match Bank Data page without selecting a corresponding imported bank line first, select one now.


    Dimmed items are still processing. You cannot check the box for a dimmed transaction until processing is complete. To see if processing is complete, refresh the Imported Bank Data grid by clicking the Refresh icon above it.

  5. When the difference between the selected imported bank data item and account transaction is zero (in the Difference field), check the Make Auto-Create Rule From Selected Transactions box. If this box isn't active, it means the criteria for an auto-create rule are not met. See the criteria outlined before this procedure.


    The Make Auto-Create Rule From Selected Transactions box is cleared by default. You must check the box every time you want to generate an auto-create rule.

  6. Click Match.

    An auto-create rule is generated from the transaction match. If NetSuite fails to generate an auto-create rule, see Troubleshooting Automatic Transaction Creation Rules.

    The account transaction moves to the Review subtab.

To run the auto-create rule, see Running an Auto-Create Rule.

To see the newly generated rule, go to the Reconciliation Rules page.

To submit your matched transactions, see Submitting Matched or User-Cleared Transactions.

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