Adding New Deposits During Matching
For bank accounts, you can create a new deposit for an imported bank data item directly from the Match Bank Data page.
Tax codes and tax rates are not available in the Add Deposit popup window. If you have a default tax code set up, the deposit automatically gets created with the tax code. However, to ensure the transaction amount matches the amount of the corresponding import bank line, the tax rate defaults to zero.
If tax codes are required for your deposits, you should first create your deposits from the Deposit page and then match them. See Making Deposits.
For information about tax codes, see Tax Codes Overview.
To add a new deposit during the matching process:
Go to Transactions > Bank > Match Bank Data.
From the Account list, select the bank or credit card account.
(Optional) To provide matching data for the new deposit, from the Imported Bank Data grid, check a box to select an item.
Note:Dimmed items are still processing. You cannot check the box for a dimmed transaction until processing is complete. To see if processing is complete, refresh the Imported Bank Data grid by clicking the Refresh icon above it.
Click Add Deposit.
NetSuite displays the Add Deposit popup window.
Enter the details. If an imported bank line was selected, some fields are populated for you.
Note:The Payor list displays the types of entities available for a deposit transaction. To limit scrolling, in the Payor field, you can start entering the name of a payor to narrow your search results.
Click Add.
To refresh the Account Transactions grid, click the refresh icon above the pane on the right-hand side.
The Account Transactions grid displays the new deposit. NetSuite adds the deposit to the bottom section, on the right, for matching.
For details on adding deposits, see Making Deposits.
For information about deposits in general, see Deposits.