Adding Account Transactions During the Matching Process
If account transactions are missing from the Account Transactions grid on the Match Bank Data page, you can do the following:
Use the Automated Cash Application feature to generate customer payments (if applicable) and automatically match and clear them. See Generating Customer Payments.
Use auto-create rules to automatically generate account transactions for future imported bank lines and match them. An auto-create rule can generate and match the following types of account transactions:
Deposits and charges for general ledger bank accounts
Charges and refunds for general ledger credit card accounts
Manually add account transactions for unmatched imported bank lines during matching, and then manually match them. You can add a new journal entry, charge, deposit, and credit card refund. See Manual Creation of Account Transactions During the Matching Process.
Note:If an account transaction contains additional required fields, you cannot add the transaction on the Match Bank Data page. Instead, you must create a new transaction outside of the Match Bank Data page. For details, see the following help topics:
Related Topics
- Matching Bank Data
- Updating Imported Bank Data
- Filtering Imported Bank Data and Account Transactions
- Viewing Details of Account Transactions
- Viewing Transactions To Be Submitted
- Viewing Unmatched Transactions
- Undoing Matched Transactions
- Excluding Imported Bank Lines From the Matching Process
- Restoring Excluded Imported Bank Lines
- Marking Transactions as Cleared
- Undoing the Cleared Status of Transactions