Excluding Imported Bank Lines From the Matching Process

Exclude the imported bank line items that you do not want from the matching process.


Excluding imported bank data lets you reduce clutter. You can hide bank lines you do not want to match or that you no longer need. Note that transactions you exclude are never deleted or removed.

To exclude imported bank line items from the matching process:

  1. Go to Transactions > Bank > Match Bank Data.

  2. From the Account list, select the bank or credit card account.

    In the Imported Bank Data and Account Transactions grids, NetSuite displays the imported bank lines and corresponding account transactions that require manual matching.

  3. From the To Be Matched subtab, check the boxes for items in the Imported Bank Data grid you want to exclude from matching.


    Dimmed items are still processing and cannot be selected for any action until processing is complete. To see if processing is complete, refresh the Imported Bank Data grid by clicking the Refresh icon above it. A high volume of imported bank lines may increase processing time.

  4. Click Exclude.

    NetSuite moves the selected items to the Excluded subtab and excludes them from the matching process.


    You can only exclude imported bank data. If you select an account transaction, the Exclude button is inactivated and the Match button is activated.

To restore imported bank data, see Restoring Excluded Imported Bank Lines.

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