Manual Creation of Account Transactions During the Matching Process
If an account transaction is missing from the Account Transactions grid on the Match Bank Data page, you can manually add one during the matching process.
Before you manually add new transactions, you should use the Automated Cash Application feature to generate matching customer payments in NetSuite from imported bank lines, if applicable. These transactions are then automatically matched and cleared. You should also consider whether you can use auto-create rules to set up automatic transaction creation for future imported bank lines. For more information about generating customer payments and using auto-create rules, see Generating Customer Payments and Automatic Creation of Account Transactions.
Based on your requirements, you can add a new transaction in one of the following ways:
Create a new journal entry. See Adding New Journal Entries During Matching.
For bank or credit card accounts, create a new charge. See Adding New Charges During Matching.
For bank accounts, create a new deposit. See Adding New Deposits During Matching.
For credit card accounts, create a new credit card refund. See Adding New Credit Card Refunds During Matching.
If you have added a new journal entry, you need to refresh the Account Transactions grid to see it.
If you have added any other type of transaction, NetSuite displays it in the Account Transactions grid. Also, NetSuite adds the transaction to the bottom section for matching.
To match your data, see Matching Bank Data.
If your imported bank lines contain a recurring Payee/Payor or Memo, you can choose to automate the posting of transactions for this imported data. For details, see Automatic Creation of Account Transactions.