Validates the folder that contains the SuiteCloud project.
If you run suitecloud project:validate
with no options, the project is validated locally without applying installation preferences and ignoring account-specific values.
project:validate [--applyinstallprefs] [--server] [--accountspecificvalues (WARNING|ERROR)]
Option |
Required / Optional |
Description |
--accountspecificvalues |
Optional |
Flag account-specific values as either a warning or an error. Enter If the argument value is If the argument value is For more information, see Account-Specific Values Validation in SuiteCloud Projects. |
--applyinstallprefs |
Optional |
Applies settings from the hiding.xml, locking.xml files, and overwriting.xml files. If you specify the option, the settings are applied, and if you do not, they are ignored. For more information, see Installation Preferences in the SuiteApp of SuiteCloud Project. |
-i or --interactive |
Optional |
Runs the command in interactive mode. |
-l or --log |
Optional |
Sets the deployment log file location, as either a directory or a file name. If it is a directory, a default log file is generated in the specified location.
If a log file already exists in the specified location, deployment log details are appended to that existing file. |
--server |
Optional |
Indicates that validation should be performed on the server. The user must be authenticated to run this action. When not specified, client-side validation is performed. |
-h or --help |
Optional |
Prints the help for this command. |
Interactive Example
The following command validates your current project using the interactive mode:
suitecloud project:validate -i
Before you run the command, the following questions are prompted:
How do you want to validate your project? > Against account Locally
Do you want to apply installation preferences? > Yes No
What do you want to do if the project contains account-specific values? > Ignore the account-specific values Display a warning Cancel the process
Non-interactive Example
The following command validates your current project using the non-interactive mode:
suitecloud project:validate --applyinstallprefs T
Output Example
When you run the command, it produces an output that is similar to the following:
Validating using account (0000001).
Validate manifest -- Success
Validate deploy file -- Success
Validate configuration -- Success
Validate script file -- Success
Validate objects -- Success
Validate resource files -- Success
Validate account settings -- Success
Validate Custom Objects against the Account - Success
Validate file cabinet items against the account - Success The validation process has finished successfully.