
Uploads files from your project to an account.


            file:upload [--paths "/SuiteScripts/File.js"] 




Required / Optional


-i or --interactive


Runs the command in interactive mode.



Specifies the File Cabinet paths of the files to upload.

To specify multiple paths, enter a space between paths and enclose the entire argument in double quotes. For example, "/SuiteScripts/File.js" "/SuiteScripts/NewFile.js".

-h or --help


Prints the help for this command.

Interactive Example

The following command uploads files from the current project to your account using the interactive mode:

            suitecloud file:upload -i 


Before you run the command, the following questions are prompted for a SuiteApp:

            Select the folder from where you want to upload files to the File Cabinet: > \SuiteScripts \Templates (Restriced Folder) \Templates\E-mail Templates (No Files) \Templates\Marketing Templates (No Files) \Web Site Hosting Files (No Files)
Select the files you want to upload to the File Cabinet: (*) /SuiteScripts/myFile.js ( ) /SuiteScripts/myOtherFile.js (*) /SuiteScripts/SuiteScriptFile.js
The selected files will be overwritten in the File Cabinet. Do you want to continue? > Yes No 


Non-interactive Example

The following command uploads two files, myFile.js and SuiteScriptFile.js, into a project using the non-interactive mode.

            suitecloud file:upload --paths "/SuiteScripts/myFile.js" "/SuiteScripts/SuiteScriptFile.js" 


Output Example

When you run the command, it produces an output that is similar to the following:

            The following files were uploaded:


Related Topics

General Notices