Account-Specific Values Validation in SuiteCloud Projects

Account-specific values refer to information defined in a NetSuite account, such as internal IDs, record instances, sensitive data, and personal data entry. Dependencies on this type of value can be problematic in applications or customizations that are developed outside a NetSuite account. By default, SuiteCloud Development Framework (SDF) prevents deployment of any SuiteCloud project that contains account-specific values. Deployment is stopped and an error is thrown when an account-specific value is detected.

When working with account customization projects, you can override the default behavior by updating the project settings, or changing the Action on Account-Specific Values option for a validation or deployment instance.

To change how account-specific values are validated, set the Action on Account-Specific Values option to one of the following values:

For more information about setting this option using SuiteCloud Extension for Visual Studio Code, see the following topic:

For more information about setting this option using SuiteCloud IDE plug-in for Webstorm, see the following topics:

For information about setting this option using CLI for Java, see the following topics:

For information about setting this option using CLI for Node.js, see the following topics:

When set to WARNING, SDF captures warnings about the account-specific values. Deployment can proceed and you can change the values after deployment. You can choose this setting when you are an advanced user with a particular development or testing scenario. For example, this setting can help you when you recently synchronized your production and sandbox databases and you want to deploy an account customization containing references to equivalent internal IDs that exist in both accounts.


The Action on Account-Specific Values setting only applies to instances of account-specific values in optional fields. SDF returns an error if an account-specific value exists in a required field.

When set to ERROR, SDF throws error messages for account-specific values and stops deployment of the project. To successfully deploy the project, you must remove instances of [ACCOUNT_SPECIFIC_VALUE]. The default setting is error.

You should remove all references to account-specific values to make your project compatible with any account type. Unexpected behavior and data changes can occur if you rely on account-specific values in a customization. The value may not exist in the target account, or a different object may use that value. For example, if a project uses an internal ID to find an employee and send a payroll notification, and you deploy it to a different account, some possibilities are:


The Action on Account-Specific Values setting is not supported in SuiteCloud IDE plug-in for WebStorm.

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