
Sets up an account to use with SuiteCloud SDK and configures the default auth ID for the SuiteCloud project.

This command requires browser-based login to NetSuite.


This command only supports interactive mode.

The account:setup command uses browser-based authentication so your account is authenticated through a browser that is prompted automatically. The browser may open in the background.


Browser-based authentication is not compatible with Windows Subsystem for Linux.






Required / Optional


-i or --interactive


Runs the account:setup command in interactive mode.

-h or --help


Displays help for the command.


The following command sets up the account to use with your current SuiteCloud project using the interactive mode:

            suitecloud account:setup 


Before you run the command, the following questions are prompted:

            Select or create an authentication ID (a custom alias you give to a specific account-role combination):
  ***The authentication ID that you select or create will be set up as default. > Create a new authentication ID.
Enter an authentication ID: myDevRole 


Output Example

When you run the command, it produces an output that is similar to the following:

            The account has been authenticated for the following company and role: DB 9006 OneWorld for My Account Name [Developer]. This project will use the authentication ID "myDevRole" as default. If you want to change your default credentials, run "suitecloud account:setup" again.
The account has been successfully set up. 


Related Topics

General Notices