Creates a SuiteCloud project, either a SuiteApp or an Account Customization Project (ACP).
When you create a project, you can choose whether to include unit testing with Jest. To learn more about the Jest testing framework, visit their official website.
To learn more about the project types, see:
After running this command, run suitecloud account:setup
from your project folder to link your project with your account.
project:create [--overwrite] <--type ProjectType (ACCOUNTCUSTOMIZATION|SUITEAPP)> <--projectname ProjectName> [--projectid ProjectID] [--publisherid PublisherID] [--projectversion ProjectVersion]
Option |
Required / Optional |
Description |
-i or --interactive |
Optional |
Runs the command in interactive mode. |
--overwrite |
Optional |
Indicates that an existing project with an identical project name can be overwritten. |
--projectid |
Required for SuiteApps |
A unique identifier to assign to the project. This value must be a word with lowercase alphanumeric characters. It must be less than 40 characters. |
--projectname |
Required |
A name for your project. |
--projectversion |
Required for SuiteApps |
The version to assign to your project, using semantic versioning. For example, specify the following project version if your SuiteApp is version 1.02, minor revision #01242017:
--publisherid |
Required for SuiteApps |
The publisher ID of your SuiteApp project. |
--type |
Required |
The SuiteCloud project type, either |
-h or --help |
Optional |
Prints the help for this command. |
Interactive Example
The following command creates a SuiteCloud project in the folder from which you run the command:
suitecloud project:create -i
Before you run the command, the following questions are prompted for Account Customization Projects:
Select the project type you want to create > Account Customization Project SuiteApp
Enter the project name: MyACP
Do you want to include unit testing with the Jest testing framework? ***This will install NPM module dependencies. > Yes No
Before you run the command, the following questions are prompted for SuiteApps:
Select the project type you want to create Account Customization Project > SuiteApp
Enter the project name: MySuiteApp
Enter the publisher ID: org.mycompany
Enter the project ID: myproject
Enter the project version: 1.2.3
Do you want to include unit testing with the Jest testing framework? ***This will install NPM module dependencies. > Yes No
Non-interactive Example
The following command creates a SuiteApp project:
suitecloud project:create --type SUITEAPP --projectid mysuiteapp123 --projectname MySuiteApp --publisherid com.netsuite --projectversion 1.0.0
The following command creates an Account Customization Project:
suitecloud project:create --type ACCOUNTCUSTOMIZATION --projectname MyACP
Output Example
When you run the command, it produces an output that is similar to the following:
The account customization project was created successfully in C:\sdfProjects\MyACP.
Go to C:\sdfProjects\MyACP and run "suitecloud setupaccount" to link your project with your account.
A sample unit test has been added in the "__tests__" folder of your project.