
Creates a SuiteCloud project, either a SuiteApp or an Account Customization Project (ACP).

When you create a project, you can choose whether to include unit testing with Jest. To learn more about the Jest testing framework, visit their official website.

To learn more about the project types, see:


After running this command, run suitecloud account:setup from your project folder to link your project with your account.


            project:create [--overwrite] <--type ProjectType (ACCOUNTCUSTOMIZATION|SUITEAPP)> <--projectname ProjectName> [--projectid ProjectID] [--publisherid PublisherID] [--projectversion ProjectVersion] 




Required / Optional


-i or --interactive


Runs the command in interactive mode.



Indicates that an existing project with an identical project name can be overwritten.


Required for SuiteApps

A unique identifier to assign to the project.

This value must be a word with lowercase alphanumeric characters. It must be less than 40 characters.



A name for your project.


Required for SuiteApps

The version to assign to your project, using semantic versioning. For example, specify the following project version if your SuiteApp is version 1.02, minor revision #01242017:




Required for SuiteApps

The publisher ID of your SuiteApp project.



The SuiteCloud project type, either ACCOUNTCUSTOMIZATION or SUITEAPP.

-h or --help


Prints the help for this command.

Interactive Example

The following command creates a SuiteCloud project in the folder from which you run the command:

            suitecloud project:create -i 


Before you run the command, the following questions are prompted for Account Customization Projects:

            Select the project type you want to create > Account Customization Project SuiteApp
Enter the project name: MyACP
Do you want to include unit testing with the Jest testing framework? ***This will install NPM module dependencies. > Yes No 


Before you run the command, the following questions are prompted for SuiteApps:

            Select the project type you want to create Account Customization Project > SuiteApp
Enter the project name: MySuiteApp
Enter the publisher ID: org.mycompany
Enter the project ID: myproject
Enter the project version: 1.2.3
Do you want to include unit testing with the Jest testing framework? ***This will install NPM module dependencies. > Yes No 


Non-interactive Example

The following command creates a SuiteApp project:

            suitecloud project:create --type SUITEAPP --projectid mysuiteapp123 --projectname MySuiteApp --publisherid com.netsuite --projectversion 1.0.0 


The following command creates an Account Customization Project:

            suitecloud project:create --type ACCOUNTCUSTOMIZATION --projectname MyACP 


Output Example

When you run the command, it produces an output that is similar to the following:

            The account customization project was created successfully in C:\sdfProjects\MyACP.
Go to C:\sdfProjects\MyACP and run "suitecloud setupaccount" to link your project with your account.
A sample unit test has been added in the "__tests__" folder of your project. 


Related Topics

General Notices