Using the Queue and Processor Details Portlet in SuiteCloud Processors Monitor
You can use the Queue and Processor Details portlet to monitor the differences between jobs handled by scheduling queues and jobs handled by SuiteCloud Processors.
You can view the following charts on the Queue and Processor Details portlet:
Jobs – This pie chart shows the ratio of requests handled by scheduling queues to those handled by processors.
Average Wait Time – This bar chart shows the average wait time of jobs handled by scheduling queues compared to those handled by processors. The average wait time for map/reduce scripts includes data gathered only on the getInputData stage.

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- Using the SuiteCloud Processors Monitor Dashboard
- Setting the Date Range in SuiteCloud Processors Monitor
- Using the Overview Portlet in SuiteCloud Processors Monitor
- Using the Processor Settings Portlet in SuiteCloud Processors Monitor
- Using the Wait Time by Priority Portlet in SuiteCloud Processors Monitor
- Using the Elevated Priority Portlet in SuiteCloud Processors Monitor
- Using the Processor Utilization Portlet in SuiteCloud Processors Monitor
- Using the Job Status Portlet in SuiteCloud Processors Monitor
- Using the Processor Concurrency Portlet in SuiteCloud Processors Monitor