Using the Overview Portlet in SuiteCloud Processors Monitor
You can use the Overview portlet in SuiteCloud Processors Monitor to quickly view statistics and details about your deployments. The portlet contains a summary of vital processor statistics followed by a detailed table about your scheduled and map/reduce scripts.
The Overview portlet logs only the jobs that ran for a significant amount of time and are useful in diagnosing issues. SuiteCloud Processors Monitor is not intended to trace all the jobs that the account processed.
The summary includes the following statistics:
Jobs Completed – This number shows the total count of jobs that were completed within the time range.
Jobs Failed – This number shows the total count of jobs that failed within the time range
Average Wait Time – This number shows the average wait time of all jobs completed within the time range.
Processor Utilization – This number shows how much of the total processing time within the time range was used to complete jobs.
You can find the following details on the table that follows the summary:
Deployment name – This column shows the user-defined names on the deployment record.
Script name – This column shows the user-defined name on the script record.
Type – This column shows each deployment's supported script type, which can either be map/reduce or scheduled.
Completed – This column shows the number of scripts that were completed.
Failed – This column shows the number of scripts that failed.
Average execution time – This column shows the average time, in seconds, it took to execute the job.
Average wait time – This column shows the average wait time before scripts were executed.
Priority – This column shows each deployment's priority level to give you an idea which jobs are processed first.
Queue – This column shows the assigned queue for scheduled script deployments that continue to use queues. It marks deployments that use SuiteCloud processors as -None-.
View details – This column shows View Details icons that open SuiteCloud Processors Job Details on a separate page.
It is not possible to sort the script jobs using the Completed, Failed, Average Execution Time, and Average Waiting Time columns because these are summary formula columns.

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- Using the SuiteCloud Processors Monitor Dashboard
- Setting the Date Range in SuiteCloud Processors Monitor
- Using the Processor Settings Portlet in SuiteCloud Processors Monitor
- Using the Wait Time by Priority Portlet in SuiteCloud Processors Monitor
- Using the Elevated Priority Portlet in SuiteCloud Processors Monitor
- Using the Processor Utilization Portlet in SuiteCloud Processors Monitor
- Using the Job Status Portlet in SuiteCloud Processors Monitor
- Using the Processor Concurrency Portlet in SuiteCloud Processors Monitor
- Using the Queue and Processor Details Portlet in SuiteCloud Processors Monitor