Using the SuiteCloud Processors Job Details Dashboard
The SuiteCloud Processors Job Details Dashboard lets you see more details about a specific deployment or processor job you need to investigate. The dashboard has one portlet, which displays a detailed table and a corresponding timeline. To find out more about the portlet, read Using the Job Details Portlet in SuiteCloud Processors Job Details.
Accessing the SuiteCloud Processors Job Details Dashboard
You can go to the SuiteCloud Processors Job Details dashboard by choosing one of the following paths:
Go to Customization > Performance > SuiteCloud Processors Job Details.
Go to Customization > Performance > SuiteCloud Processors Monitor. Go to the Overview portlet. Point to the row of the deployment or script you want to verify. Click the view icon that appears under the View Details column.
Filtering Data on the SuiteCloud Processors Job Details Dashboard
You can filter data on the SuiteCloud Processors Job Details dashboard according to the following:
Start Date/Time and End Date/Time – You can specify the start and end dates by clicking the corresponding calendar icons and selecting the correct dates. You can change the start and end times by using the corresponding dropdown lists.
Task Type – You can choose to show data for all supported task types or for a specific task type by using the dropdown list.
Deployment – You can choose to show data for all deployments or for a specific deployment using the dropdown list.