Map/Reduce Terminology



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buffer size

An option on the script deployment record. This choice determines the number of key-value pairs that a map or reduce job can process before information about the job’s progress is saved to the database. As a general best practice, leave this value set to 1.

deployment instance

A task created to process a script deployment. A deployment instance is created when the deployment is submitted for processing. Only one unfinished instance of a particular script deployment can exist at any time.


A configuration option that affects the behavior of a script when an uncaught error interrupts a map or reduce function. When exitOnError is set to true, and all available retries have been used, the script exits the current stage and goes to the summarize stage.

function invocation

An execution of a function. Some map/reduce entry point functions, such as the getInputData and summarize functions, are invoked only one time during the script’s processing. Others, such as the map and reduce functions, are invoked multiple times. For example, if the getInputData stage provides 20 key-value pairs to the map stage, then the map function is invoked 20 times, one time for each pair.


The first stage in the processing of a map/reduce script. During this stage, your script must return an object that can be transformed into a list of key-value pairs. You use the getInputData entry point to identify the function that executes during this stage.


A system of rules governing your usage of NetSuite. Specific limits exist for every script type, including map/reduce.

hard limit

A type of map/reduce governance limit that, when violated, causes an interruption to the current function invocation. Make sure you follow the Map/Reduce Script Best Practices section in the SuiteScript Developer Guide to avoid problems with hard limits.


A unit of execution managed by SuiteCloud Processors. The processing of a map/reduce script is always handled by multiple jobs. At least one job is created to handle the processing of each stage.


The second stage in the processing of a map/reduce script. A map function is optional, but your script must use either a map or reduce function (or both). When used, a map function processes data provided by the getInputData stage. The map function is invoked one time for each key-value pair that is provided.


A computing paradigm designed for the processing of large data sets.

map/reduce script type

A SuiteScript 2.x script type based on the map/reduce paradigm.

parallel stage

A type of stage that can be handled by multiple jobs that work simultaneously. The map and reduce stages are parallel stages. See also serial stage.


A property of a job. Job priority determines the order in which the scheduler sends jobs to the processor pool. Priorities can be set on the deployment record or on the SuiteCloud Processors Priority Settings Page.


In the context of SuiteCloud Processors, a virtual unit of processing power that executes a job. A processor is not an individual physical entity but rather a single processing thread.

processor pool

In the context of SuiteCloud Processors, the total processors available to your NetSuite account. The number of processors available varies depending on your licensing. The number of processors available to process a particular script is determined by the value you choose for the Concurrency Limit field on the script deployment record.


The fourth stage in the processing of a map/reduce script. A reduce function is optional, but your script must use either a map or reduce function (or both). When used, a reduce function processes data provided by the getInputData stage or, if a map function is used, by the map stage. The reduce function is invoked one time for each unique key from the list of all key-value pairs provided. The value for each of the unique keys passed to the reduce function is an array of all values with that key.


A configuration option that is relevant when a map or reduce function is interrupted by an uncaught error or by an application server restart. This setting determines whether the system invokes the map or reduce function again for any key-value pairs that were left in an uncertain state following the interruption.

script deployment

A set of configuration choices for how to execute a script. These choices are stored on a script deployment record. To execute a map/reduce script, you must create a deployment record and submit the deployment.

serial stage

A type of stage that is processed in its entirety by only one job. The getInputData, shuffle, and summarize stages are serial stages.


The third stage in the processing of a map/reduce script. This stage is significant if your script uses a reduce function. In these cases, the shuffle stage sorts data provided by the getInputData stage or, if a map function is used, by the map stage. In either case, the shuffle stage creates a set of key-value pairs where each key is unique, and each value is an array. These pairs are passed to the reduce stage for further processing.

soft limit

A type of map/reduce governance rule that, after it is surpassed, causes a map or reduce job to automatically yield. When the job yields, its work is rescheduled. Progress toward a soft limit is checked only after a function invocation has completed. Therefore this limit never causes an interruption to the function invocation.

SuiteCloud Processors

Processes map/reduce and scheduled scripts.


The final stage in the processing of a map/reduce script. You can use this stage to log data about the work of the script.


The set of work that represents a map/reduce deployment that has been submitted for processing. Each task is executed by a minimum of five jobs, one for each stage.


A behavior that allows a map/reduce script to manage some aspects of its own resource consumption. After a map/reduce job has surpassed a soft limit, it automatically yields, and its work is rescheduled for later. Yielding never interrupts a function invocation. Note also that this process is automatic. SuiteScript 2.x does not contain an API that lets you force a script to yield.

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