Purchasing and Receiving Imported Goods in Brazil
To access the Brazil Localization SuiteApp documentation in Brazilian Portuguese (Português do Brasil), see Brazil Localization.
With Brazil Localization, you can record the purchase of goods from international vendors from the moment you place a purchase order.
When you create a purchase order for goods imports, you can make prepayments to customs dispatchers, register the receipt of items, as well as generate the electronic invoice for goods imports.
Before you start the purchasing and receiving, ensure you meet the following prerequisites:
Define an imports account for your subsidiary.
For more information, see Setting Up Subsidiaries for Brazil.
Define an import bill default account in your accounting preferences.
For more information, see Defining the Import Bill Default Account.
If you make prepayments to the customs dispatcher, create a vendor to represent the dispatcher.
For more information, see Setting Up Vendors for Brazil.
To purchase and receive imported goods in Brazil:
Create a purchase order.
For more information, see the following help topics:
Tip:If you create the purchase order with a foreign currency, you can include the applicable exchange rate. NetSuite leverages this rate to automatically convert the amounts to your subsidiary's base currency when you create the import bill from the purchase order.
(Optional) Enter the prepayment to the customs dispatcher vendor.
For more information, see the following help topics:
Create an import bill from the purchase order and generate the electronic invoice.
For more information, see Creating Import Bills from Purchase Orders for Brazil.
Receive the items from the purchase order.
For more information, see Receiving Orders.
Bill the item receipt.
For more information, see Creating a Bill From an Item Receipt.