Defining Proration Criteria for Expense Categories and Shipping Items in the SuiteTax Latam Engine


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The SuiteTax Latam Engine SuiteApp enables you to define how to proportionally allocate expense amounts in the tax calculation basis of transaction items.

You can set the proration criteria in expense category and shipping item records. After you set the criteria, all new transactions involving that expense category or shipping item allocate the amounts according to the selected method.

For more information about expense categories, see Creating an Expense Category. For more information about shipping items, see Creating Shipping Items.

If you do not define a proration criteria, SuiteTax Latam Engine proportionally allocates the costs by the value of each item.

To define the proration criteria:

  1. Go to the expense category or shipping item for which you want to define the criteria.

    • For expense categories, go to Setup > Accounting > Expense Categories.

    • For shipping items, go to Lists > Accounting > Shipping Items.

  2. Next to the expense category or shipping item you want, click Edit.

  3. In the Proration Criteria field, select the method with which you want to proportionally allocate the expense or shipping costs among the items in the transaction.

    • Quantity – Allocate the expense or shipping according with the quantity of each item in the transaction.

    • Value – Allocate the expense or shipping according with the value of each item in the transaction.

    • Weight – Allocate the expense or shipping according with the weight of each item in the transaction.

  4. Click Save.

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