Generating Country Tax Reports for Brazil


To access the Brazil Reports documentation in Brazilian Portuguese (Português do Brasil), see Brazil Reports.

Brazil Reports uses the Tax Reporting Framework SuiteApp to generate accounting, financial, fiscal books, and tax assessment reports for Brazil.

In the Country Tax Report page, you can generate the following reports:

To generate country tax reports for Brazil:

  1. Go to Reports > Tax > Country Tax Reports.

  2. In the Subsidiary field, select a Brazilian subsidiary.

    NetSuite automatically populates the Nexus field with the nexus associated with the subsidiary.

  3. (Optional) If you have multiple nexuses in your subsidiary and if the default one is not from Brazil, in the Nexus field, select the Brazilian nexus.

  4. In the Report Name field, select the report you want to generate.

    The field only displays tax report templates associated with the selected nexus.

  5. In the Start Date field, select the start date for the report.

  6. In the End Date field, select the end date for the report.

    Each type of report has its own periodicity. Select the dates according to the report you are generating.

  7. In the Accounting Book field, select the book from which you want to generate the report.

    This field appears if you have the multi-book accounting features enabled in your account and if you are generating one of the following reports:

    • General ledger

    • General journal

    • Trial balance

    • Balance sheet

    • Income statement

    For more information, see Multi–Book Accounting and Adjustment-Only Book Support in Tax Reporting Framework.

  8. If you want to apply additional filters and preferences to the report, click Open Brazil Reports Settings.

    The Brazil Reports Settings page opens.

    1. If you are generating a general ledger report and want to limit the report to GL accounts whose numbers are within a specific range, do the following:

      1. In the Starting Number of the Account Range field, enter the starting number of the GL account range.

        If you do not enter any number, NetSuite considers zero as the starting number.

      2. In the Final Number of the Account Range field, enter the final number of the GL account range.

        If you do not enter any number, NetSuite considers 999999999 as the final number.

      For more information about GL account numbering, see Chart of Account Numbering.

    2. If you are generating a balance sheet report and want to print the signers' information on the report, do the following:

      1. In the Accountant field, select the accountant that should sign the report.

      2. In the Legal Representative field, select the legal representative that should sign the report.

    3. If your account has the Departments feature enabled, but you want to generate the report without the department information, check the Generate Report Without Departments box.

      This option is available for balance sheet, general ledger, general journal, and trial balance reports. For more information, see Cost Centers in Reports for Brazil.

    4. Click Save.

    5. Close the Brazil Reports Settings page.

  9. Click Generate.

    NetSuite starts generating the report.

  10. On the Report Execution Log subtab, locate the generated report.

    The latest generated report displays at the top of the list.

  11. In the View | Download column, wait for the loading bar to complete and change to a View link.

    If the country tax report covers a long period, the report generation may take a few minutes to complete. You are notified through email when the report becomes available.

  12. Click View.

  13. Download the report.

    • To download the report in PDF format, click the PDF Adobe Reader icon icon.

    • To download the report in XLS format, click the XLS XLS file icon icon.


    You can download auxiliary reports, such as the withheld taxes on services report and the Simples Nacional assessment, only in PDF format.

For more information, see Generating Localized Country Tax Reports.

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