Creating Tax Determination Settings for Specific Origin Codes
To access the SuiteTax Latam Engine -Brazil Records documentation in Brazilian Portuguese (Português do Brasil), see SuiteTax Latam Engine -Brazil Records.
To cover taxation scenarios that apply to items from specific origins, you can add tax determination settings to your tax determination rules.
For example, you may have a rule that applies to the 6.102 Código Fiscal de Operações e de Prestações (CFOP) code. This CFOP identifies interstate resale transactions. However, the Imposto sobre Circulação de Mercadorias e Serviços (ICMS) tax rate varies depending on the origin of the items you are reselling. Then, you can create different tax determination settings records, one for each origin code:
Tax determination settings for items of national origin
Rate – 12%
Tax code – ICMS_BR
Supplementary information code – 0
Tax determination settings for items of foreign origin
Rate – 4%
Tax code – ICMS_BR
Supplementary information code – 1
Before you create tax determination settings applicable to a given origin code, ensure you associate the code to item records. For more information, see Creating Items for Brazil.
To create tax determination settings for a specific origin code:
Go to Setup > Latam Tax Determination > Tax Determination Rules.
Next to the rule you want to apply to a specific origin, click View.
Click the Settings subtab.
Click New Tax Determination Settings.
In the Rate field, enter the percentage at which the tax applies.
In the Tax Code field, select the tax code to which the settings apply.
In the Supplementary Information Code field, enter an origin code.
Fill any additional information relevant to your tax scenario.
For more information, see Creating Tax Determination Settings in the SuiteTax Latam Engine.
Click Save.
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- SuiteTax Latam Engine -Brazil Records
- SuiteTax Latam Engine -Brazil Records SuiteApp Installation
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- Tax Codes and Tax Types for Brazil
- SuiteTax Latam Engine Plug-ins for Brazil
- Creating CFOP Codes
- Tax Determination Rules Setup for Brazil
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