Guidelines for Creating a Dashboard SuiteApp Icon
Dashboard SuiteApp icons require certain visual characteristics to align them with other icons in the dashboard. The following guidelines preserve the visual characteristics of Dashboard SuiteApp icons:
Dashboard SuiteApp icons use a unique background with a cloud motif. This background ensures a common size and shape for all Dashboard SuiteApp icons and provides a cloud motif that serves as an additional modifier. Click here to download the SVG file of the icon background.
You should use a restricted color palette. This palette is a major contributor to the character of the icons used in NetSuite. Restrict your colors to this palette whenever possible. If additional colors are required, add them as special exceptions. See the image below for more information about this color palette.
Graphical elements should be more geometrical than illustrative. Avoid using complex and irregular shapes. Try to reduce elements in your composition to their most primitive geometry.
Dashboard SuiteApp icons use a simulated light source to increase detail and definition in icon elements. This light source is evidenced by a cast shadow that proceeds down and to the right of elements in the composition at a 45 degree angle. Cast shadows are rendered with a black fill set to 10% opacity.
Your icon image must be saved as an SVG file.
The following image shows the guidelines in use: