Distributing Transaction Lines in Journal Entries

When distributing transaction lines in a journal entry, you have the option to use a distribution template for easier distribution calculation.

Only users assigned with Custom CFO and Custom Accountant roles can distribute lines and apply distribution templates to journal entries.


You must first ensure that Journal is enabled in the transaction distribution preferences. For more information, see Setting Up Transaction Distribution Preferences.

To distribute transaction lines in a journal entry:

  1. Go to Transactions > Financial > Make Journal Entries.

  2. In the Classification section:

    1. From the Subsidiary list, select the subsidiary for the journal entry.

      The fields in the Primary Information section will be filled according to the selected subsidiary.

    2. From the Default Distribution Template list, select a distribution template to be applied to the journal entry.

      The following fields will be populated based on the distribution template selected:

      • Distribution Type

      • Rate Type

    3. (Optional) To disable the line level distribution template or quick rule and have all transaction lines based on the default distribution template, check the Disable Line Distribution Rule box.

  3. On the Lines subtab:

    1. From the Accounts list, select an account.


      The Transaction Line Distribution SuiteApp only supports the following accounts:

      • Expense

      • Other Income

      If you selected an account apart from the ones mentioned, the line will be excluded from the distribution.

    2. In the Debit field, enter an amount for debit.

    3. In the Credit field, enter an amount for credit.

    4. To apply a distribution template for an item line, select a template in the Line Dist. Template field. The field lists the templates based on the values selected in the Distribution Type and Rate Type fields in the Primary Information section.

    5. (Optional) To create a line-level distribution rule for this item line, click Enter Quick Distribution. For further instructions, see Applying Quick Distribution Rule.

    6. Click Add.

    7. To add more lines, repeat the steps 3(a) to 3(e).

  4. Click Save.

Here are some points to remember when dealing with journal entries in Transaction Line Distribution SuiteApp:

For more information about making journal entries in general, see Making Journal Entries.

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