Setting Up Transaction Distribution Preferences

To start distributing lines on transactions, you must first set up your transaction distribution preferences.

On the Transaction Distribution Preferences page, you can select the transaction types that you want to enable for line distribution in the account.


You must first set the required permissions for your custom roles before setting up your distribution preferences. For more information, see Customizing Roles and Setting Permissions for Transaction Line Distribution.

Since the SuiteApp only supports one set of distribution preferences, you can only edit the default set of preferences in the account. Creating a new set of distribution preferences will result into error.

To set up transaction distribution preferences:

  1. Go to Setup > Accounting > Transaction Dist. Preferences.

  2. Click Edit next to the existing distribution preference.

  3. On the Transaction Dist. Preferences page:

    1. On the Purchase Transactions subtab, check the boxes of the purchase transactions on which you want to enable transaction line distributions.


      A popup message appears after checking or clearing a particular box. You must click OK to continue.

      You can select one or more from the following purchase transactions:

      • Vendor bill

      • Vendor credit

      • Write check

      • Expense report

      • Purchase order

      • Credit card charge

      • Purchase requisition

      All purchase transactions are already selected by default except for purchase requisition.

    2. On the Sales Transactions subtab, check the boxes of the sales transactions on which you want to enable transaction line distributions.

      You can select one or more from the following sales transactions:

      • Credit memo

      • Invoice

      • Cash sale

      • Sales order

    3. On the Other Transactions subtab, check the Journal box to enable transaction line distributions on journal transactions.


    If you clear a box of a particular transaction type, any pending transactions for journal generation will not be processed for that transaction type and the existing journals generated for older transactions will not be available.

    For more information about the transactions supported by the SuiteApp, see Supported Transactions in Transaction Line Distribution.

  4. Click Save.

Disabling Transaction Line Distribution on Custom Transaction Forms

After enabling transaction line distribution for a transaction type in your distribution preferences, line distribution is enabled for all the transaction type's custom forms.

There might be cases when you want to disable transaction line distribution on a single custom transaction form. You can disable transaction line distribution on a custom transaction form without affecting other forms.

To disable transaction line distribution on a custom transaction form:

  1. Go to Customization > Forms > Transaction Forms.

  2. Click Customize or Edit next to a form in the Custom Entry Forms list.

  3. Click the Screen Fields subtab:

  4. In the Check Box Default column corresponding to the Disable Transaction Dist. field, select Checked.


    The default value of the Check Box Default column is Unchecked.

    Selecting Checked disables the SuiteApp-related fields in the custom transaction form.

  5. Click Save.


To avoid errors in your existing custom forms, after enabling the transaction form preferences, you must perform either of the following:

  • Enable TLD fields in your existing forms and clear the Disable TLD box from Screen Fields subtab (if TLD must be enabled on custom forms (if TLD must be enabled on custom forms)

  • Check the Disable TLD box from Screen Fields subtab (if TLD must be disabled on custom forms)

Not performing either of the above-mentioned tasks might cause errors in your custom forms.

For more information about custom transaction forms, see Custom Forms.

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