Setting Up Direct Packing and Shipping on Fulfillments

If you use the Shipping Label Integration feature, you can set up shipping items and use them on orders that you want to pack and ship directly on item fulfillments only.

This capability applies to shipping items for FedEx, UPS, or USPS only. Before you set it up, be sure to connect or sync your shipping accounts for these carriers with your NetSuite ShipEngine account. For instructions, see Registering and Integrating Your Carrier Accounts or Managing Your Shipping Integration.

You can set up this capability for specific subsidiaries or locations within a subsidiary through the following settings and preferences:

  1. Shipping Label Integration – On FedEx, UPS, or USPS shipping items that you create for Ship Central, you must enable this setting. For instructions, see Creating Shipping Items for your Shipping Services.

  2. Shipping Mode – On the standard preferences record or a custom one, you can select either Integrated Shipping Only mode or Integrated Shipping per Order mode.

    Optionally, on the same preferences record, you can change the default PDF printing format for the supported carriers.

    For more information, see Setting Ship Central Preferences.

  3. Integrated Shipping Mode – You can edit this box if a preference record set to the Integrated Shipping per Order mode applies to an order. On the order transaction, choose a shipping method associated with a shipping item enabled with Shipping Label Integration. If you ship per line, you can choose the shipping method for specific lines.

    If you check this box on an order, you can pack and ship the order or specific lines directly on the item fulfillment only. You cannot process it through the Ship Central app.

Ship Central automatically checks the Integrated Shipping Label box on item fulfillments associated with the orders. To process the orders, you can assign the Packed or Shipped status, add packages, and print labels wiithin the fulfillment record.

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