Customizing the Enhanced Sales Center

If you are new to NetSuite, you should familiarize yourself with the following concepts before you perform any customization to the Enhanced Sales Center:


Ensure that you assign Enhanced Sales Center roles to Admin users before you perform the following configuration tasks.

Setting Up Appearance Preferences

You should set up the following appearance preferences for each Enhanced Sales Center role to take advantage of the user interface enhancements.

To set up appearance preferences:

  1. Go to Home > Set Preferences.

  2. Click the Appearance subtab, and then select the following values for the following fields:



    Color Theme

    Custom: New Sales Color Theme

    Screen Font


    Limit Entry Forms to Two Columns


    Expand Tabs on Entry Forms


  3. Click Save.

Duplicating Custom Center Tabs

If you added custom center tabs to your sales center, you can make copies of these tabs to add to the Enhanced Sales Center. For more information, see Creating Center Tabs.

To duplicate a center tab:

  1. Go to Customization > Centers and Tabs > Center Tabs.

  2. Click Edit next to the name of the custom tab that you want to duplicate. The Custom Center tab form appears.

  3. In the Center field, change the selection from Classic Center to Enhanced Sales Center.

  4. Under the Save button list, select Save a Copy.

Recreating Custom Categories

If you created custom categories in the standard Sales Center, you must create them again in the Enhanced Sales Center. You cannot edit the custom categories on the standard Sales Center and duplicate them for use in the Enhanced Sales Center.

To create custom categories, go to Setup > Customization > Center Categories > New. Enter the values to the Custom Center Category fields. For information on how to create Custom Categories, see Creating Center Categories.

Adding Custom Center Links

Center links takes users to other NetSuite pages, custom records, Suitelets, or external websites. You can add links that you used in the standard Sales Center categories to the Enhanced Sales Center categories.

To add center links:

  1. Log in to NetSuite using the Enhanced Sales Center -Publisher role.

  2. Click the tab you want to add the link to.

  3. On the upper-right corner, below the tabs, click Edit Custom Tab.

  4. Click Save.

  5. If you receive a prompt to submit an unchanged record, click OK.

  6. Click Edit next to the center category you want to add the link to.

  7. Add the links that you previously used in the standard Sales Center.

  8. Click Save.

For more information, see Creating Center Links.

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