Reorder Items
The Reorder Items feature lets SuiteCommerce MyAccount (SCMA) site users reorder items. The following example depicts a typical Reorder page:
Reorder Items Page

Frequently purchased items are displayed first according to the time frame selected by the user and then according to which items have the most individual orders. Example: if a logged-in user placed 10 orders in the last 60 days for the Estes Park Sofa Table and one order for 11 Estes Park Chests, the Estes Park Sofa Table is sorted as more frequently purchased than the Estes Park Chest.
Reordering items is a default SuiteCommerce and SuiteCommerce Advanced (SCA) functionality. This topic explains how to configure this functionality for an SCMA site.
All logged-in users can access past purchases. By enabling the Reorder Items feature, site visitors have the option to reorder these past purchases in two ways:
Go to the Reorder Items page and click Add to Cart for each item.
The user can:
View basic information about items they have previously ordered including product name, last purchased date, and price.
Increase the quantity of an item.
Remove items from the cart.
Sort items by frequently purchased, most recently purchased, price, and name.
View items ordered in the last 15, 30, 60, 90, or 180 days.
Order out-of-stock items if the site has out-of-stock behavior configured. See Setting Web Store Back Order and Out-of-Stock Preferences.
Reorder from a previous transaction that is already in the cart by viewing the cart and proceeding to checkout.
For information about how users can view items they previously ordered from different websites, see Filter Site Subtab.
Enable the Reorder Items Feature
This topic explains how to enable the Reorder Items feature.
To configure the Reorder Items feature:
In NetSuite, go to Commerce > Websites > Configuration.
Go to the My Account tab and the Preferences subtab.
Check the Allow User to Reorder Items box.
Click Save.
For more information about configurable properties, see Allow User to Reorder Items.
The SCMA cart component does not have the full shopping cart functionality of SuiteCommerce or SCA. Limitations to the SCMA cart include the following:
The Continue Shopping button on the Thank You page takes the user to the SCMA Home page and not to the shopping catalog as it does for SuiteCommerce and SCA.
Users can view items ordered within the last 180 days only.
Users can view an image of the product, but not the product details page.
Items remain in the cart. They cannot be moved between the cart and the Save for Later list.
Users can increase the quantity of an item only. All other item details remain the same.