SuiteCommerce MyAccount Overview
Explore the following FAQs to better understand your SuiteCommerce MyAccount (SCMA) implementation.
What is the difference between SuiteCommerce MyAccount and Premium Customer Center?
Does SuiteCommerce MyAccount support SuiteCommerce Extensions?
Are there any changes in the Configuration record for SuiteCommerce MyAccount?
What is SuiteCommerce MyAccount?
SuiteCommerce MyAccount (SCMA) is a self-service web portal where customers can manage account information, view recent transactions, pay invoices, and more.
SCMA includes various features and information in the My Account area of your site, such as:
Subscriptions management for SuiteBilling subscription-based purchases (SuiteBilling must be enabled).
Purchases area, including information about current and past purchases, and the option to reorder items.
Billing information, including account balances, invoices, transaction history, and printable statements.
Account settings, such as email preferences, password management, etc.
Support case management.
Quotes management.
Like SuiteCommerce (SC), SCMA is a SaaS product, which means that:
The application is delivered as a bundle.
The bundle code is locked and cannot be edited.
Updates are phased and automatic.
What is the difference between a SuiteCommerce MyAccount website and a SuiteCommerce or SuiteCommerce Advanced website?
SuiteCommerce (SC) is NetSuite’s primary ecommerce shopping solution. It offers a full shopping experience, including customer portal (My Account) functionality and the ability to search, browse, and add items to a cart or wishlist.
SuiteCommerce MyAccount (SCMA) is NetSuite’s online customer portal solution. It provides your customers with access to their transactions and allows them to pay their invoices.
SC and SuiteCommerce Advanced (SCA) are composed of the following three applications:
My Account
SCMA is composed of the My Account application but does not include the Shopping and Checkout applications.
Customers must log in to access your SCMA site, whereas an SC or SCA site can be public.
The following table details the SC and SCA features that are and are not currently supported by SCMA implementations:
A blank cell indicates that the feature or functionality is not supported in SCMA.
SC/SCA Feature or Functionality |
Included with SCMA |
Purchases |
See Orders / Purchase History |
Enter Orders |
– |
Reorder Items |
View Returns |
Request a Return |
Quote Creation |
All quotes must be created by a sales rep in NetSuite. |
Quote Management |
Quote to Sales Order |
Shopping Cart |
– |
Checkout |
Users can only pay for an existing quote or invoice, or reorder previously purchased items. |
Billing |
Account Balance |
Invoices |
Make a Payment |
Print a Statement |
Transaction History |
Other |
Product Lists / Wishlists |
– |
Save for Later |
– |
Case Management |
My Account Settings |
Subscription Management |
Secure domains with automatically renewing TLS certificates |
Components and classes in the Extensibility API (where applicable) |
Homepage |
Logged-out users are directed to the login page. Logged-in users are directed to the account overview page. |
Item Search API |
Item details can be retrieved with SuiteScript. |
Item browsing (keyword search, commerce categories, or product detail pages) |
– |
There are no public pages except the login page. |
Custom Themes |
Site must use the SC Base Theme, but it can be configured with Site Management Tools (SMT). |
Is it possible to have a SuiteCommerce MyAccount site if I already have a SuiteCommerce or SuiteCommerce Advanced site?
Yes. SuiteCommerce MyAccount (SCMA) requires a different license, but you can have two different sites at the same time, one provisioned for a SuiteCommerce (SC) or SuiteCommerce Advanced site and a new one provisioned for SCMA.
One SC license gives you access to one SC website, which includes one My Account customer portal and one secure domain. One SCMA license gives you access to one My Account customer portal and one secure domain. A combination of one SC license and one SCMA license gives you access to two My Account customer portals and two secure domains (one standalone and one linked to the SC website).
Unsecured domains are not compatible with SCMA.
What is the difference between SuiteCommerce MyAccount and the My Account area of a SuiteCommerce website?
To help you understand your SuiteCommerce MyAccount (SCMA) solution, let’s clarify a few differences in terminology:
My Account – This refers to the My Account area or module common to any SuiteCommerce (SC) or SuiteCommerce Advanced (SCA) website. With My Account, customers can access specific information about their account on your website.
SuiteCommerce MyAccount – SCMA is an ecommerce solution that provides a self-service website for your customers to perform basic online account management tasks. SCMA is built using the same framework as SC, but only offers access to some functionalities of the My Account application. SCMA sites do not incorporate shopping or checkout-related features.
The following table details the My Account features that are and are not currently supported by SCMA implementations:
A blank cell indicates that the feature or functionality is not supported by SCMA.
My Account Feature or Functionality |
Included with SCMA |
Purchases |
See Orders / Purchase History |
Enter Orders |
– |
Reorder Items |
View Returns |
Request a Return |
Quotes |
Quote to Sales Order |
Billing |
Account Balance |
Invoices |
Make a Payment |
Print a Statement |
Transaction History |
Other |
Product Lists/Wishlists |
– |
Save for Later |
– |
Case Management |
My Account Settings |
Subscription Management |
What is the difference between SuiteCommerce MyAccount and Premium Customer Center?
SuiteCommerce MyAccount (SCMA) is a solution intended to replace Premium Customer Center. However, SCMA does not include all of the same functionalities. Premium Customer Center includes a Site Builder site, which includes checkout functionalities. Shopping and checkout functionalities are not supported by SCMA.
Does SuiteCommerce MyAccount require SuiteBilling?
No. SuiteCommerce MyAccount (SCMA) is a self-service portal for managing account information. However, if SuiteBilling is enabled in your NetSuite account, you can manage subscriptions using your SCMA site.
Does SuiteCommerce MyAccount support Site Management Tools?
Yes. Site Management Tools (SMT) is supported in SuiteCommerce MyAccount (SCMA). SMT lets you:
Create landing pages for SCMA.
Change the look and feel of a website using third-party themes or the SuiteCommerce Base Theme. e
Change page layouts.
Add Content Types to a page.
To update the My Account area of your Commerce website using SMT, a single secure domain is required.
Does SuiteCommerce MyAccount support SuiteCommerce Themes?
No. SuiteCommerce MyAccount (SCMA) does not support SuiteCommerce (SC) Themes.
However, you can perform either of the following tasks to customize the layout and appearance of your SCMA frontend:
Install and activate the SC Base Theme on your account using the Extension Manager. You can then use the Theme Skin Manager feature of Site Management Tools to change the layout and appearance. See Theme Skin Manager for more information.
Use the SC Base Theme as a baseline to create your own theme using the Theme Developer Tools. See Develop Themes for more information.
Does SuiteCommerce MyAccount support SuiteCommerce Extensions?
Yes. You can activate many SuiteCommerce Extensions (additions to your website) on your SuiteCommerce MyAccount domain, or you can customize your own extension using the Extension Developer Tools.
For more information about the extensions that are available, see Commerce Extensions.
For more information about creating your own extension, see Develop Extensions.
Does SuiteCommerce MyAccount support multiple languages?
Yes. Since SuiteCommerce MyAccount (SCMA) shares the same code base as SuiteCommerce, SCMA inherits the multi-language feature.
Are there any changes in the Configuration record for SuiteCommerce MyAccount?
Yes. The following tabs are the only tabs displayed for SuiteCommerce MyAccount (SCMA) sites when you access the SuiteCommerce Configuration record:
My Account tab
Advanced tab
Checkout tab
Integrations tab
Multi-Domain tab
Layout tab
What areas of SuiteCommerce MyAccount can be customized?
Unlike SuiteCommerce Advanced (SCA), developers cannot make code-level changes to SuiteCommerce MyAccount (SCMA). However, the code for MyAccount is similar to the My Account functionality that appears in SuiteCommerce (SC) and SCA sites, so behavior should be consistent across all versions. Developers should generally treat a MyAccount site as if it were the My Account area of an SC site. This means that customizations written for the My Account area of an SC or SCA site should work seamlessly on SCMA.
As with SC and SCMA, you should configure rather than customize SCMA.
Configuration options available for SCMA include:
Customer Center Custom Permissions -used to hide menu items and prevent certain customers from accessing certain features in the My Account area. See Customer Center Custom Permissions.
Transaction List Columns subtab -used to configure fields for orders, quotes, returns, and invoices. See Transaction List Columns Subtab.
The methods to customize SCMA are roughly the same as customizing an SC site. SCMA customization can be done using:
Extensions (including many built by NetSuite). See Commerce Extensions for information about the extensions distributed by NetSuite. See Develop Extensions for instructions on creating your own extensions.
Extensibility API (components and classes are available where appropriate). See Overview.
Configuration files. See JSON Configuration Files.
Site Management Tools (SMT). See Site Management Tools.
Before you start to customize your SCMA implementation, review Develop Extensions to learn about the skills and resources you need.
Examples of how you can customize your SCMA site include the ability to:
Change the look and feel for your login page.
Page types enable you to create custom templates for the login page. See Create Page Types.
If you prefer not to introduce a new template, custom content types give you the ability to add and replace child views using the Extensibility API. See Overview.
Create simple landing pages using SMT. See Landing Pages.
Introduce new page routes and locations within My Account.
Page types lets you introduce new routes that can be combined with an extension to perform CRUD operations on standard and custom records. See Create Page Types.
The MyAccountMenu component can be used to add menu items to the menu on the My Account page. See MyAccountMenu.