Filter Site Subtab

These settings filter orders or records by website so you can control which items shoppers can view.

Filter Site Option

This string specifies how orders/records are filtered. The default value is current. Possible values are:

  • all – Filters orders/records for all websites defined in the current NetSuite account.

    Shoppers can see orders placed in all web stores in the same NetSuite account when viewing the Purchase History in the My Account area of your Commerce website.

  • current – Filters orders/records with which the current web store domain is associated.

    Shoppers can only see orders placed in the current web store when viewing the Purchase History in the My Account area of your Commerce website.

  • siteIds – Filters orders/records for a website specified by its site ID. Enter the site IDs in the Filter Site IDs field to return results for items ordered from other website records.

    Shoppers can see orders placed in specified websites when viewing the Purchase History in the My Account area of your Commerce website.

Example: if an order was placed on a different website, the shopper may still want to view it, so you should select all or siteIds as the filter site option.



UI location

Advanced > Filter Site

ID (pre-Vinson)


JSON file


Configuration file (pre-Vinson)


Filter Site IDs

This array filters records for web sites specified by site ID (see Filter Site Option). This value contains an array of comma-separated numeric IDs.

To find a site ID, edit a website record in the web address bar and copy the ID value, for example: id=3. Enter the value 3 in the Filter Site IDs field.



UI location

Advanced > Filter Site

ID (pre-Vinson)


JSON file


Configuration file (pre-Vinson)


Related Topics

General Notices