Revenue Reclassification Detail Report


The functions discussed in this topic require the Revenue Commitments feature to be enabled.


This report applies only if line level deferred revenue reclassification is not enabled for your account. This report is not available with the Advanced Revenue Management (Essentials) and Advanced Revenue Management (Revenue Allocation) features.

The Revenue Reclassification Detail report shows the detailed history of all related transactions for a sales order including the:

The report shows the G/L impact to Revenue, Deferred Revenue, and Unbilled Receivable accounts for each of these transactions. You can aggregate the G/L impact amounts to reconcile to the current balance sheet and income statement balances.

The report shows the following columns:

This report does not support reporting by period even when the Report by Period preference is set to All Reports. The Report by Period preference can be configured at Home > Set Preferences, the Analytics subtab.

To view the Revenue Reclassification Detail:

  1. Go to Reports > Revenue >Revenue Reclassification.

  2. Select More to expand the footer.

    • For the Date, From, and To fields, select a date range that includes the date of the sale order or sales orders you want to run the report for. This is the date the sales order was created. For example, to view revenue reclassification activity for a sales ordered dated 6/15/2012, you must enter a date range that includes 6/15/2012.

    • For the As of date, select the ending period date to run the report for. The report returns the revenue reclassification activity through this date. For example, if you select As of 06/30/2012, the report shows revenue reclassification activity for the selected sales orders through 6/30/2012. If you enter 10/31/2012, the report shows activity from the sales order date through 10/31/2012.

    • Select a subsidiary in the Subsidiary Context field.

  3. Click Refresh.

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