Planning and Budgeting Account Balance Portlet

This portlet lets you access real-time account balance data in your Planning and Budgeting. The portlet shows values for the current month and the previous quarter of the year.

To display data in the portlet, you need to set up your custom record type in NetSuite.

To set up your custom record type:

  1. Go to Customization > Lists, Records, & Fields > Record Types.

  2. Click List for the NSPB | Account Balance Configuration record type.

  3. Click New NSPB | Account Balance Configuration.

  4. In the Dimension field, enter the name of a dimension that is configured in your Planning and Budgeting. The value must match exactly, including upper and lower case.

  5. In the Member field, enter the name of a member that is configured for the dimension in your Planning and Budgeting. The value must match exactly, including upper and lower case.

  6. From the Type list, select one from the following options:

    • POV to use the Point Of Views of this dimension and member to filter out the account balance value.

    • Rows to use the value of this dimension and member as the account balance value. We can use only one row for the dimension and member.

  7. In the Cube Name field, enter the name of a cube that is configured in your Planning and Budgeting. The value must match exactly, including upper and lower case.

  8. To display this member in the portlet, check the Show in Account Balance Portlet box.

  9. Click Save.

    The following screenshot illustrates the custom record type setup:

Account Balance Configuration List showing the custom record types setup

For instructions on adding the portlet to the NetSuite EPM page, see Accessing NetSuite EPM Overview Portlets.

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