SuiteScript Overview

NetSuite’s SuiteScript scripting language provides full-featured application-level scripting capabilities that support sophisticated procedural logic on both the client and server sides. You can use SuiteScript to extend NetSuite and customize, search for, and process your NetSuite data. A SuiteScript Debugger is also available for debugging server scripts.

SuiteScript 2.x extends the capabilities of the original SuiteScript offering with an API architecture familiar to JavaScript developers. Highlights of SuiteScript 2.x include:

Beginning in 2020.1, SuiteScript 2.1 is available as the latest version of SuiteScript. SuiteScript 2.1 is based on the ECMAScript 2023 (ES2023) edition of the ECMAScript specification. For more information about SuiteScript 2.1, see the help topics SuiteScript 2.1, Executing Scripts Using SuiteScript 2.1, and SuiteScript Versioning Guidelines.


SuiteScript includes a list of reserved words that you cannot use as variable names or function names in your scripts. For more information, see SuiteScript Reserved Words.

For an overview of what you can do with SuiteScript, see the following help topics:

SuiteScript Help Topics in the Help Center

You can watch the SuiteScript Help Overview video to learn what SuiteScript topics are available in the Help Center and where they are located:

A SuiteScript Records Guide and a SuiteScript Developer Guide also available. The SuiteScript Records Guide includes information about the NetSuite records available to you when using SuiteScript. The SuiteScript Developer Guide includes topics to help you:

  • Set up your development environment

  • Learn how to use SuiteScript to work with UI objects, script parameters, and SuiteScript IDS

  • Learn about governance limits imposed on the SuiteScript API

  • Learn about monitoring, auditing, and logging capabilities available in SuiteScript

  • Learn about the SuiteScript Debugger

To learn more about SuiteScript 2.0 and SuiteScript 2.1, see the following help topics:

SuiteScript Code Samples Catalog

This SuiteScript Code Samples catalog contains code samples that you can use for reference. You can copy and update them to fit your needs. For more information, see SuiteScript 2.x Code Samples Catalog.

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General Notices