Accessing NetSuite EPM Overview Portlets
If you go to NetSuite EPM > NetSuite EPM Overview, you can access the following portlets:
You need to add these portlets manually to the NetSuite EPM page. You can then customize the setup and layout of the portlets on the page.
To access the NetSuite EPM Overview portlets:
Go to NetSuite EPM > NetSuite EPM Overview.
Click the Personalize link in the upper-right corner of the page.
On the Standard Content tab, click Custom Portlet.
In the Custom Content portlet’s menu, click Set Up.
From the Source list, select the name of the portlet you want to appear on the page.
Click Save.
Related Topics
- Planning and Budgeting Sync Portlets
- Adding the Planning and Budgeting Sync Portlet to Your Home Page
- Planning and Budgeting Form/Dashboard Portlet
- Planning and Budgeting Substitution Variables Portlet
- Job Execution Portlet
- Execution Logs Portlets
- Planning and Budgeting Account Balance Portlet
- Planning and Budgeting Sync Checklist Portlet