Self-billed Invoice

A self-billed invoice is an invoice generated by the buyer instead of the supplier for goods or services received from a foreign supplier. In this scenario, the buyer creates and issues the invoice on behalf of the supplier. The invoice has the details of the transaction, such as the quantity, description, and price of the goods or services, along with any applicable taxes. You can use vendor Bill record in NetSuite to create and certify self-billed invoice to IRBM. For more information about vendor bills, see Vendor Bills.

In Malaysia buyer certifies the transaction on behalf of a supplier for the following reasons:

Generate, Certify and Send Self-billed Invoices

You can generate, certify and send self-billed invoices using the Malaysia Electronic Invoicing SuiteApp.


You must first setup a vendor record to issue self-billed invoices to IRBM. For more information, see Setting Up a Vendor Record for Self-billed Transactions.

To generate, certify and send e-documents for a self-billed invoice:

  1. Create or edit a vendor bill record.

  2. On the E-Document subtab:

    • From the E-Document Template list, select the Avalara Malaysia Outbound Transaction template.

    • From the E-Document Sending Method list, select the Malaysia e-Invoicing Sending Method.

  3. In the Malaysia Electronic Invoicing subtab:

    • Malaysia Mandate Type – Select one of the following mandate type from the list:





      You can skip this step at transaction level, if you have already setup the Malaysia Mandate Type field when setting up the customer or vendor record.

    • Malaysia Reference Number of Customs Form – Enter the unique identification number assigned on the declaration of the imported goods.

  4. In the Expenses and Items subtab, select the Items subtab and fill the following fields and columns with appropriate values:

    • Item

    • Description

    • Quantity

    • Rate

    • Tax Code – Select a tax code from the Tax Code list. Before selecting the tax code, make sure you first setup the Malaysia tax code. For more information, see Setting Up Malaysia Tax Code.

    • Malaysia Classification Code – This field value is automatically generated if the item record is setup for new invoices. For existing invoices, you must enter the classification code manually. For more information, see Setting Up an Item Record


    • Malaysia Item Tax Exemption Details – Enter the tax exemption reason ff you select Tax Exemption option from the Malaysia Tax Type list.

  5. In the Billing subtab, enter the billing address for the vendor bill (self-billed invoice). The Billing Address field is automatically populated from the customer record. You can customize the address by selecting Custom option from the Vendor Select list.

  6. Click Save.


    The system updates the transaction record, and the Generate E-Document button is displayed.

  7. Click the Generate E-Document button.


    On the E-Document subtab, the status of the e-document in the E-Document Status field, will change to Ready for Certification status. If the status is displayed as Generation Failed, then there is an error in generating the e-document, which you must fix before regenerating the e-document. For more information, see Viewing E-Document Status and Audit Trail

  8. After generating e-documents, click the Certify E-Document button. The document is sent to IRBM for certification.


    Certification of e-documents from IRBM takes time to process and the status of the e-document is set to Certification in Progress.

  9. After receiving response from IRBM, the e-document status is set to Ready for Sending.

  10. In the Malaysia e-Invoicing Fields subtab, the following fields are populated with appropriate values after the e-documents are certified from IRBM:

    • Malaysia Unique Identifier Number – This field stores the UUID for the transaction after e-document certification on a transaction record.

    • Malaysia Long ID – This field stores the long ID of the transaction after e-document certification from IRBM on a transaction record.

    • Malaysia Digital Signature – This field stores the long ID of the transaction after e-document certification from IRBM on a transaction record.

  11. Click the Send E-Document button to send the certified debit note to customers.

    A banner message is displayed on the transaction record indicating that sending of the e-document is in progress. The certified PDF is sent to the email in the customer record.

    Then, the value of the E-Document Status field on the E-Document subtab is set to Sent status. For more information, see Outbound E-Document Statuses.


    By default system generated template is used to send the email to e-document recipient list. You can customize the email template, for more information about customization see Selecting an E-Document Email Custom Template

General Notices