Malaysia Help Topics


The following Help topics contain information about NetSuite features that are specific to Malaysia business setting and requirements only.

General NetSuite features are covered in other chapters and topics.

The NetSuite International edition can be configured to enable the following features and reports for companies doing business in Malaysia.

General Setup

Functional Area



Required Setup

Setting up Malaysia-specific Features and Preferences

Enable features and preferences specific to Malaysia business setting.

Choosing a Language for Your NetSuite User Interface

You can enable multiple languages in NetSuite. Set up English (International) for the user interface and Help Center.

Configuring Company Information

Setting Personal Preferences

Support for your preferred number, date, address, phone, and currency formats as well as time zone

Mobile Devices

Configuring NetSuite for Mobile

Configure NetSuite localization settings for mobile devices.


Functional Area




Malaysia Sales and Service Tax (SST)

The Sales and Service Tax (SST) replaced the Goods and Services Tax (GST) system, effective September 1, 2018. With the International Tax Reports SuiteApp, you can generate the Sales and Service Tax Returns (SST-02) that you can submit to the Malaysian tax bureau, Jabatan Kastam Diraja Malaysia (JKDM).

What Goes Into Each Box -Malaysia Sales Tax (SST-02)

What Goes Into Each Box -Malaysia Service Tax (SST-02)

Generating Malaysia Sales Tax (SST-02) Return or Malaysia Service Tax (SST-02) Return

Understand how NetSuite uses the tax codes to get the values for the Malaysia Sales and Service Tax Returns (SST-02),

Malaysia Goods and Services Tax (GST)

With the International Tax Reports and Tax Audit Files SuiteApps, you can still generate the old GST reports and tax audit files.

Order Management

Functional Area




Malaysia Invoicing Features

Malaysia invoicing templates are included in the Southeast Asia Localization SuiteApp, which you must manually install. The invoice and credit note templates support transactions in foreign currency and with multiple tax codes.

Malaysia Invoice and Credit Note Templates

Malaysia invoice and credit note templates include the minimum information required by the Royal Malaysian Customs Department and prescribed by local business practices. You can generate and issue the invoices or credit notes to your customers.

Payment Processing

Malaysia Payment Formats

The following Malaysia electronic payment file formats are supported:

  • Maybank Malaysia 2E-RC Domestic Transfer

  • Maybank Malaysia 2E-RC International Transfer

  • Citibank Malaysia XML Domestic Transfer

  • Citibank Malaysia XML International Transfer

  • Citibank Malaysia XML GIRO.

You must install the Electronic Bank Payments SuiteApp and Southeast Asia Localization SuiteApp to obtain, set up and use Malaysia payment file formats.

Required SuiteApps



International Tax Reports

Supports Malaysia SST and GST reporting, as well as online filing for more than 42 countries across Asia, Europe, and Latin America, all generated in the local format for ease and accuracy of submission.

Tax Audit Files

Using the Tax Audit Files SuiteApp, you can generate the Malaysia GST Audit File (GAF) in the format prescribed by the Malaysian tax bureau, Jabatan Kastam Diraja Malaysia (JKDM).

Electronic Bank Payments

Enables creation of payment files to process local payments for vendors, employees, and customers (refund), and also receive payments from local customers. Using the SuiteApp, companies operating within one country, using a single currency, can create payment files for domestic payments in local currency. The SuiteApp is freely available for download by all customers and provides payment capabilities for local banks in your region.

Southeast Asia Localization

Provides invoicing features for Malaysia, Singapore and Thailand that meet the minimum regulatory requirements and local business expectations in both countries. The SuiteApp also comes with electronic bank payment file formats for Malaysia.

General Notices