Refund Note
A refund note e-Invoice is a document issued by a supplier to confirm the return of payment to the buyer. It is used in cases where a refund is being made to the buyer. In Malaysia Electronic invoicing SuiteApp, cash refund is considered as refund note transaction.
Generate, Certify and Send Refund Notes
You can generate, certify and send refund notes using the Malaysia Electronic Invoicing SuiteApp.
To generate, certify and send e-documents for refund note:
Go to any certified invoice record for which you want to generate a refund note for.
Click the Authorize Return button.
On the To Be Generated page, from the Custom Form list, select the Standard Return Authorization – Cash option.
Click Save.
On the Item Receipt page, click Save & Refund.
On the cash refund record, in the E-Document subtab:
From the E-Document Template list, select the Avalara Malaysia Outbound Transaction template.
From the E-Document Sending Method list, select the Malaysia e-Invoicing Sending Method.
Click Save.
Click the Generate E-Document button.
Note:On the E-Document subtab, the status of the e-document in the E-Document Status field, will change to Ready for Certification status. If the status is displayed as Generation Failed, then there is an error in generating the e-document, which you must fix before regenerating the e-document. For more information, see Viewing E-Document Status and Audit Trail
After generating e-documents, click the Certify E-Document button. The document is sent to IRBM for certification.
Note:Certification of e-documents from IRBM takes time to process and the status of the e-document is set to Certification in Progress.
After receiving response from IRBM, the e-document status is set to Ready for Sending.
In the Malaysia e-Invoicing Fields subtab, the following fields are populated with appropriate values after the e-documents are certified from IRBM:
Malaysia Unique Identifier Number – This field stores the UUID for the transaction after e-document certification on a transaction record.
Malaysia Long ID – This field stores the long ID of the transaction after e-document certification from IRBM on a transaction record.
Malaysia Digital Signature – This field stores the long ID of the transaction after e-document certification from IRBM on a transaction record.
Click the Send E-Document button to send the certified debit note to customers.
A banner message is displayed on the transaction record indicating that sending of the e-document is in progress. The certified PDF is sent to the email in the customer record.
Then, the value of the E-Document Status field on the E-Document subtab is set to Sent status. For more information, see Outbound E-Document Statuses.
Note:By default system generated template is used to send the email to e-document recipient list. You can customize the email template, for more information about customization see Selecting an E-Document Email Custom Template