Generating CNAB 400 Delivery Files


To access the Brazil Localization SuiteApp documentation in Brazilian Portuguese (Português do Brasil), see Brazil Localization.

The Brazil Localization SuiteApp enables you to generate delivery files with the 400 standard to receive payments from customers through bank slips.

You can generate delivery files with the 400 standard to include payments for the following types of transaction:

The SuiteApp provides predefined layouts for the 400 standard from the following banks:

To add discount information to the payments you received, apply discounts before generating the delivery file. For more information, see Applying Discounts to the Payments of Sales for Brazil.

To generate a CNAB delivery file with the 400 standard:

  1. Go to Transactions > Bank > CNAB Delivery Files > New.

  2. In the Standard field, choose CNAB 400.

  3. In the Subsidiary field, select the subsidiary involved in the transactions for which you want to generate the file.

  4. In the Banking Information field, select the banking information record with which you want to associate the generated file.

    The banking information record contains details about your company's bank account and other preferences related to CNAB files.

  5. In the Period field, select the start and end due date of the transactions and installments to determine the period for the search.

  6. (Optional) To search transactions from a specific customer, in the Entity field, select the customer.

  7. In the Purpose of the File Generation field, choose whether NetSuite should generate, update, or write-off the bank slips for the transactions you include in the delivery file.

    The purpose defines which transactions and installments NetSuite lists after you click Search, depending on their eligibility for the chosen purpose. See the following conditions for eligibility:

    • Generate bank slips – Transactions and installments not included in a delivery file before.

    • Write-off bank slips – Transactions and installments previously included in a delivery file which was sent to the bank, and whose return was imported into NetSuite.

    • Change bank slips due date – Transactions and installments previously included in a delivery file which was sent to the bank, and whose return was imported into NetSuite.

  8. In the Number of Results per Page field, select the maximum number of transactions or installments you want NetSuite to list on the page after you click Search.

    By default, NetSuite lists 100 installments or transactions at a time.

  9. Click Search.

    NetSuite populates the table on the page with the information from the transactions and installments that match your search criteria.

  10. Check the box next to each transaction or installment to include it in the delivery file.


    To select all the transactions and installments listed on a page, check the box on the table header.

  11. If you selected Change Bank Slips Due Date as the purpose of the file generation, do the following:

    1. Find the transaction or installment of which you want to change the due date.

    2. In the Due Date column, select the new due date.

      The new due date cannot be earlier than the previous bank slip's due date or later than the following bank slip's due date.

      For example, you want to change the due date of installment 2 out of 4:

      • Installment 1 – Due on October 1, 2023

      • Installment 2 – Due on November 1, 2023

      • Installment 3 – Due on December 1, 2023

      • Installment 4 – Due on January 2, 2024

      In this example, the new due date for installment 2 would have to be within October 1 and December 1.

      To set a date before or after the other installments' due dates, you must change the due dates of all affected installments.

      For example, to change the due date of installment 2 to December 4, 2023, you would need at least to postpone installment 3:

      • Installment 1 – Due on October 1, 2023

      • Installment 2 – Due on December 4, 2023

      • Installment 3 – Due on December 20, 2023

      • Installment 4 – Due on January 2, 2024

    3. Click OK.

  12. Click Generate File.

    The CNAB Delivery File page opens. You can check the progress of the file generation process on this page.

  13. Refresh the page to update the Status field.

    Continue refreshing the page until the status is one of the following:

    • Delivery File Generated

    • Partial Delivery File Generated

    • Bank Slips Generation Failed

    • Delivery File Generation Failed

  14. If the status is Delivery File Generated or Partial Delivery File Generated, in the File field, click Download.

    If you selected Generate Bank Slips or Change Bank Slips Due Date as the purpose, NetSuite also generates the bank slips associated with the transactions and installments you selected. For more information, see Downloading Bank Slips for Brazil.


    The Partial Delivery File Generated status indicates that NetSuite generated the delivery file without the bank slips from some installments. You can include the missing installments in a future delivery file. For more information about what caused the partial generation, review the processing logs of the file.

  15. To view details about the processing of the return file, click the Processing Logs subtab.

    NetSuite lists errors or warnings caught during the generation of the delivery file. Review the logs if the status is Partial Delivery File Generated, Bank Slips Generation Failed, or Delivery File Generation Failed. You should address the errors before trying to generate the file again. For more information about troubleshooting the processing logs, see Troubleshooting CNAB Files Processing.

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