Associating a Contact with a Record

You can attach contacts to lead, prospect, customer, vendor, and partner records on the Contacts subtab. This permits anyone viewing the entity record to get the names, phone numbers, and email addresses they need to communicate with other companies.


You can add new contacts when you are creating an entity record. You must, however, save a new record before you attach existing contacts.

The following instructions are for standard subtabs. To learn more about choosing which fields appear on these subtabs, see Configuring Fields or Screens.

The following screenshot from a customer record shows the Relationships and Contacts subtabs with the fields and buttons of the Contacts subtab.

Screenshot from a customer record shows the Relationships and Contacts subtabs with the fields and buttons of the Contacts subtab.

To attach an existing contact to a record:

  1. Open the entity record for viewing.

  2. In the Relationships, Contacts subtab, select a contact from the Contact list.

  3. From the Role list, select this contact's role for this record.

    Contact roles are one of the CRM lists at Setup > Sales > Setup Tasks CRM Lists > New.

  4. From the View list, select the list view for this list of contacts.

    Click Customize View to create a custom layout for this list.

  5. Click Attach.

  6. Click Save.

To attach a new contact to a record:

  1. Open the entity record for viewing.

  2. In the Relationships, Contacts subtab, click New Contact.

  3. In the popup Contact page, enter information about the new contact.

  4. Click Save.

To update assigned role to a contact:

  1. In the Relationships, Contacts subtab, click Update Roles.

  2. In the popup Update Primary page, click Edit.

    On this page, you can change the role of any of the contacts on this subtab. The following screenshot shows the popup window in edit mode with multiple contacts.

    Screenshot of the Update Primary popup window.
  3. Click Save.

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