Printing Transactions
Before printing any invoices, credit memos, sales orders, or purchase orders using the templates delivered by the Advanced Localization Features SuiteApp, make sure that the templates and individual features are properly configured. For more information, see Setting Up the Advanced Localization Features Templates and ALF Additional Features and Configuration.
Invoices, credit memos, and sales orders that are printed in Arabic and Hebrew languages are rendered in right-to-left direction.
Printing invoices, credit memos, sales orders, and purchase orders (as well as other records) is a native feature of NetSuite. To learn more, see the following help topics:
However, the Advanced Localization Feature SuiteApp enhances the printing capability by providing additional fields that can be printed on invoices, credit memos, sales orders, and purchase orders to support compliance or common business requirements.
Several new subtabs, buttons and transaction body fields have been added to every invoice, credit memo, sales order, and purchase order record.
The new subtabs are as follows:
Invoice Configuration – Under this subtab, you can adjust print-related information for each particular invoice, credit memo, sales order, or purchase order. The following fields are available:
Payment Reference – Use this field to insert a reference that your customer or vendor should add to the payment. This is mainly used in cases when structured payment references are required.
Transaction Bank Details – Use this dropdown list to assign a Transaction Bank Details record to this transaction. Every Transaction Bank Details record contains different data to be printed on an invoice, credit memo, sales order, or purchase order. For more information, see Transaction Bank Details.
Method of Payment – Use this dropdown list to assign a Method of Payment record to this transaction. The Method of Payment records specify the content of the Transaction Bank Details record to be printed on an invoice or a credit memo. For more information, see Method of Payment.
Hide Total Incl. VAT Column– Use this box to hide the Total incl. VAT (Gross Amount) column in the Item Detail section of printed invoice, credit memo, sales order, or purchase order.
Printing History – Under this subtab, you can see the printing history of the transactions. The following columns are available:
Printout Type – Displays if the printout type is Original or a Copy.
Date – Displays the date and time of printing the transaction.
Issued By – Displays the name of the user printed the transaction.
Printed PDFs – Displays a link from which you can access and download a copy of the printed PDF files.
The Printed PDFs column is available only if you check the Save Printed PDFs box on the customer record.
Note:Every copy made by the Print a PDF Copy button is also recorded. However, drafts and duplicates are not listed here. For more information, see Transaction Print Marks.
For invoices, credit memos, sales orders, and purchase orders printed using the script, the Issued By column in the table under this subtab contains the word System (instead of the issuer’s name).
The set of available print-related buttons depends on the status of your invoice, credit memo, sales order, or purchase order:
Status |
Status Description |
Available Buttons |
Button Description |
Pending Approval |
The invoice, credit memo, sales order, or purchase order is waiting to be approved. |
Prints the PDF and marks it as Draft. |
Preview PDF |
Prints the PDF and marks it as Draft. |
Approved |
The invoice,credit memo, sales order, or purchase order has been approved but hasn’t been printed yet (or there is no approval process). |
Prints the original PDF. A record is created under the Printing History subtab. |
Preview PDF |
Prints the PDF and marks it as Draft. |
Approved and Printed |
The invoice, credit memo, sales order, or purchase order has already been printed (original record exists in the printing history). |
Prints the PDF. Marks it as Duplicate if Mark Document as Copy or Duplicate box is checked. |
Print a PDF Copy |
Prints the PDF. Marks it as Copy if Mark Document as Copy or Duplicate box is checked. A record is created under the Printing History subtab. |
The EORI transaction body field is used to enter the Economic Operators Registration and Identification (EORI) number that is assigned to importers and exporters by the customs. The EORI number is required for importing and exporting goods between UK and European Union (EU). This field is sourced from the customer record. If no value is available in the customer record, the value is retrieved from the subsidiary record.
This field is not available on the custom form by default. You must customize the custom forms to add the EORI field.
Sending Transactions Through Email
You can send invoice, credit memo, sales order, and purchase order PDFs through email to your contacts.
To send PDF of a transaction record through email:
For more information, see Working with Mail Merge.
For more information, see Sending Email from Records.
Go to a record.
To send an email, do any of the following:
From the Actions dropdown list, select Email.
On the Communication subtab, under Messages subtab, click Email.
On the Recipients subtab, from the Recipient field, select the contact you want to email the PDF file.
In the Email field, enter the recipient email address if the contact does not have one preset already.
On the Attachments subtab, check the Include Transaction box.
In the Type field, select PDF as format type.
Perform one of the following:
Enter other relevant details and click Send.
If you use the Mail Merge feature, click Merge & Send.
Transaction Print Marks
This feature is only available if you are using the advanced PDF/HTML templates provided by the Advanced Localization Features SuiteApp.
If you print a transaction in a certain status, a short text will be added to the printed PDF (depending on the button or link that you have used to print it). These marks serve to identify and categorize every printed invoice. The following marks are available:
None (Original) – Approved transactions printed for the first time (originals) bear no mark.
Draft – Mark on all transactions that you are previewing, that is:
All transactions are printed while in the Pending Approval status.
Already approved transactions are displayed using the Preview PDF button.
Duplicate – Mark a transaction that has been already approved and printed (using Print or Print and Email link). Duplicate transactions are intended for information, or reminder purposes only.
Copy – Mark a transaction that has been approved and printed using the Print a PDF Copy button. Unlike duplicate transactions, the transaction copies are due for payment. Typically, they are issued if the original printed transaction is lost.
For sales order transaction, only Draft and None (Original) type prints are supported. Therefore, the Print a PDF Copy button will not available.
The following diagram summarizes the transaction printing statuses, actions available for each of them, and marks on printed transactions:
Related Topics
- Advanced Localization Features Overview
- Enabling Required Features for Advanced Localization Features
- Installing the Advanced Localization Features SuiteApp
- Setting Up the Advanced Localization Features Templates
- Roles and Permissions Setup for Advanced Localization Features
- ALF Additional Features and Configuration
- Commercial Invoice
For the transactions that are created before installing the Advanced Localization Features SuiteApp, you must run the ALF MR Copy Print Details – customdeploy_alf_mr_copy_print_details MR script to add the print marks on documents. You must make sure that the printed documents and email transactions have the correct watermarks and the printing history is updated.
To run the ALF MR Copy Print Details MR script:
The MR script takes a few hours to execute based on the number of the transactions present in the account. You must not stop or halt the script execution until it is successfully completed.
As an alternative to running ALF MR Copy Print Details – customdeploy_alf_mr_copy_print_details, you can edit and save any specific transaction record to add print marks and update printing history. The supported transaction types are invoice, credit memo, sales order, and purchase order.
Go to Customization > Scripting > Script Deployments.
Click Edit next to the ALF MR Copy Print Details MR script.
Select the value of the Concurrency Limit list to 2 or the next available higher value.
Click Save & Execute from the Save list.
For the new transactions created after installing the Advanced Localization Features SuiteApp, it is not required to run or perform the MR script.