Printing an Invoice

When printing, invoice formats you can use are PDF or HTML. Invoice formatting depends on your set preferences:

To print invoices in PDF format, you need Adobe®Reader®. Visit the Adobe Web site to download the latest version at no charge.

To print a single invoice:

  1. Go to Billing > Sales > Create Invoices.

  2. On the Invoice page, complete the information as appropriate.

  3. Click Save & Print.

    NetSuite shows the printout for your invoice in an Adobe application document.

  4. Click the printer button in the Adobe application frame.

  5. If you want to print multiple copies, specify the number on the print message that appears.

  6. Click OK.

You can also print invoices by going to Billing > Sales > Create Invoices > List. Then, on the Invoices page, click Print next to the invoice.

When you view an invoice, you can also hover over the print icon. Then, select Print in Customer's Locale to translate the transaction into the customer's predefined language. For more information, see Configuring Multiple Languages.

When printing an invoice through Advanced PDF/HTML Template, all items, time, and billable items are listed in the Items sublist. For more information, see Advanced PDF/HTML Templates.

You can print invoices for more than one transaction at a time. To save an invoice in your print queue to print later, on the Communication subtab, check the To Be Printed box. Then, follow these steps to print invoices in bulk.


The page sequence of the printed document depends on how the list appears on the Print Invoices page. Before printing, you can sort the list based on your preference by clicking any of the column headers.

To bulk print invoices from multiple transactions:

  1. Go to Customers > Accounts Receivable > Print Checks and Forms.

  2. On the Print Checks and Forms page, click Invoices.

  3. On the Print Invoices page, select the invoices you want to print from the list.

    1. (Optional) If you use the Locations feature, choose the location you want to print invoices from.

    2. (Optional) To customize the Print Invoices page view and filter the results, click Customize. Use the following subtabs to show the list of fields available on the invoice record.

      • Additional Columns – To include a field as a column in the sublist, check the Include box for the field, then click Save.

        For example, if you want to display the status of the invoices you want to print, select the Status field.

      • Additional Filters – To include a field as an additional search filter on the page, check the Include box for the field, then click Save.

        For example, if you want to print only paid invoices, select the Status field. On the Print Invoices page, you can use the status filter to show only the invoices with Paid In Full status.

    3. Check the Print box next to each invoice you want to print.

  4. Click Print.

    You can also hover over the print button and select Print in Customer's Locale to translate the transaction into the customer's predefined language. For more information, see Configuring Multiple Languages.

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