Assigning Roles to an Employee

You must assign one or more roles to each employee to whom you want to provide access to NetSuite. Each role is a set of associated permissions that determine the data assigned users can see and the tasks they can perform.

You assign roles to an employee on the Roles subtab of the Employee record's Access tab.


If you have the Effective Dating feature enabled, the Role field is not effective-dated. If you change an employee’s role settings, as part of an effective-dated change, this change is immediate.

Employees can have multiple roles in your company.

To assign one or more roles to an employee:

  1. Go to Lists > Employees > Employees.

  2. Click Edit next to the name of the employee you want to assign a role to.

  3. Under Email | Phone | Address, enter an email address in the Email field if one has not been entered already.

  4. Click the Access subtab.

  5. Complete the necessary access-related fields, if you have not already.

    For more information, see Giving an Employee Access to NetSuite.

  6. In the Role field, select a role for this employee.

  7. Click Add.

  8. Repeat steps 6-7 for any other roles you want to assign to this employee.

  9. Click Save.

Your employee now has a role and can access your NetSuite account. When the employee logs in, the employee sees only the links that the role gives permission to see.

If you need to remove a role for an employee, open the record, click the name of the role on the Access tab. Click Remove, and then click Save.


To see a list of all the users assigned to a particular role, go to Setup > Users/Roles > Manage Users. Select the role from the Role list. You can also run an employee search to find out which roles have been assigned to employees. For more information, see Simple and Advanced Searches.

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