Setting Up Multiple Script Queues or Processors to Generate Payment File Formats

You can use multiple script queues or processors to divide processing of the script used by the Electronic Bank Payments SuiteApp for generating payment files.


Multiple script queues or processors for generating payment file formats require an active Electronic Bank Payments license and the NetSuite SuiteApps License Client installed in the account.

Starting from the 2019.1 release of the Electronic Bank Payments SuiteApp, new scripts will be used for the following processes:

Old scripts, created with SuiteScript 1.0, will still be used for the following processes:

Complete the following tasks to set up the Electronic Bank Payments SuiteApp to run multiple script queues or processors to generate payment file formats:

Defining a New Deployment for the Electronic Bank Payment Processing Scripts

You can define multiple script deployments for scheduled scripts and on demand batch processing of Payment File Administration records, using the same queue assigned for payment processing in a particular subsidiary. It is advisable that you use queues that are dedicated to Electronic Bank Payments Processing.

To define a new deployment for Electronic Bank Payments processing scripts:

  1. Go to Customization > Scripting > Scripts (Administrator).

  2. Create multiple script deployments for each of the following script queues that you dedicate to Electronic Bank Payments processing:

    • EP Script Scheduler

    • EP Transaction Marker

    • EP Payment Processor

    • Payment File Generation SS

    • EP Rollback MR

    • EP Reverse Payments MR

    • EP Email Notification MR

    • Payment to Admin Linker MR

    • EP Failed Transaction Unlinker

    • Generic Payment Processing

    • Generic Payment Record Processing

    • Generic Payment Notification

    • Generic Payment Reversals

    • Generic Payment Rollback

    • On Demand Batch Processing (8859_payment_batch_on_demand)

  3. Click the View link next to the script record.

  4. Click Deploy Script.

  5. Complete the following fields on the New Script Deployment page:




    Enter a name for the new script deployment definition.


    Enter a unique ID for the new script deployment definition.


    Select how urgently this script should be processed relative to other map/reduce and scheduled scripts that have been submitted. This value is assigned to each job associated with the script deployment. For more information, see Priority.


    You must understand SuiteCloud Processors before you change this setting. For details, see SuiteCloud Processors Priority Levels.

    Concurrency Limit

    Set the number of SuiteCloud Processors that can be used to process the jobs associated with the script deployment. For more details on this field, see Concurrency Limit.


    For accounts without SuiteCloud Plus License, you can set the Concurrency Limit to 2. This enables the use of the extra processor to double the processing bandwidth for your map/reduce scripts. For more information, see SuiteAnswers support article Electronic Bank Payments: Improve Payment Batch Processing and Payment File Generation Performance by Increasing the Concurrency Limit, ID 81974.

  6. Click Save.

    New Deployments are added to the list on the Deployments subtab of the script record from which it was created.

Setting Up Multiple Queues for Payment Processing in the Electronic Payments Preferences

After creating the deployment definitions, you must set them up by entering the script deployment ID for each payment processing script that you want to run concurrently.


If you have existing multiple queues, the new column fields for these queues will be left blank initially. The default SuiteScript 2.0 scripts will be used until you have allocated your own scripts.

To set up the deployment definitions:

  1. Go to Payments > Setup > Electronic Payments Preferences.

  2. Click Edit.

  3. On the Queue Management subtab, complete the following fields:




    Select the subsidiaries that are going to share the same script queues. Leave this field blank to share the script queue with subsidiaries that do not have any script queue setting. Shared queues among subsidiaries results to queuing for payment files submitted by these subsidiaries.

    Scheduler (New)

    Enter the script deployment ID for Payment Scheduler. Applicable to new PFAs created using EFT and DD formats for Regular Payment Processing and PFAs using Instant Bank File Generation.

    Transaction Marking (New)

    Enter the script deployment ID for Transaction Marking. For script deployments that are still using queues, make sure that the script queue is the same as the script queue in Scheduler (New). Applicable to new PFAs created using EFT and DD formats for Regular Payment Processing.

    Payment Processing (New)

    Enter the script deployment ID for Payment Processing. For script deployments that are still using queues, make sure that the script queue is the same as the script queue in Transaction Marking (New). Applicable to new PFAs created using EFT and DD formats for Regular Payment Processing.

    Bank File Creation (New)

    Enter the script deployment ID for Bank File Creation. For script deployments that are still using queues, make sure that the script queue is the same as the script queue in Payment Processing (New). Applicable to new PFAs created using EFT and DD formats for Regular Payment Processing and PFAs using Instant Bank File Generation.

    Rollback (New)

    Enter the script deployment ID for Rollback. For script deployments that are still using queues, make sure that the script queue is the same as the script queue in Bank file Creation (New). Applicable to new PFAs created using EFT and DD formats for Regular Payment Processing.

    Reversal (New)

    Enter the script deployment ID for Reversal. For script deployments that are still using queues, make sure that the script queue is the same as the script queue in Rollback (New). Applicable to new PFAs created using EFT and DD formats for Regular Payment Processing and PFAs using Instant Bank File Generation.

    Notification (New)

    Enter the script deployment ID for Notification. For script deployments that are still using queues, make sure that the script queue is the same as the script queue in Reversal (New). Applicable to new PFAs created using EFT and DD formats for Regular Payment Processing and PFAs using Instant Bank File Generation.

    Instant Payment Processing (New)

    Enter the script deployment ID for Instant Payment Processing. For script deployments that are still using queues, make sure that the script queue is the same as the script queue in Notification (New). Applicable to new PFAs created using EFT and DD formats Instant Bank File Generation.

    Remove Unprocessed Transaction (New)

    Enter the script deployment ID for Remove Unprocessed Transaction. For script deployments that are still using queues, make sure that the script queue is the same as the script queue in Instant Payment Processing (New). Applicable to new PFAs created using EFT and DD formats for Regular Payment Processing.

    Parent Deployment (Old)

    Enter the script deployment ID for Generic Payment Processing. The script queue for this deployment must be different from the queue number that was set up for the Generic Payment Processing deployment. Applicable to Customer Refunds and Positive Pay format.

    Payment Creator Deployment (Old)

    Select the script deployment ID for Generic Payment Record Processing. Applicable to Customer Refunds and Positive Pay format.


    To use multi-threading and to optimize usage of the queues, select multiple script deployment IDs and make sure that at least one of the script deployments has the same script queue as the Parent Deployment. This is only applicable to script deployments that are still using queues.

    Rollback Deployment (Old)

    Enter the script deployment ID for Generic Payment Rollback. Make sure that the script queue is the same as the script queue in Parent Deployment. Applicable to Batch Payment, Customer Refund, and Positive Pay processing.

    Reversal Deployment (Old)

    Enter the script deployment ID for Generic Payment Reversals. Make sure that the script queue is the same as the script queue in Parent Deployment. Applicable to Batch Payment, Customer Refund, and Positive Pay processing.

    Notification Deployment (Old)

    Enter the script deployment ID for Generic Payment Notification. Make sure that the script queue is the same as the script queue in Parent Deployment. Applicable to Batch Payment, Customer Refund, and Positive Pay processing.

    Batch Processing Deployment (Old)

    Enter the script deployment ID for On Demand Batch Processing. Make sure that the script queue is the same as the script queue in Parent Deployment. Applicable to Batch Payment, Customer Refund, and Positive Pay processing.


    You must complete all the fields.

  4. Click Add.

  5. Repeat steps 2 and 3 to add more script queue settings for other subsidiaries.

  6. Click Save.

Migrating Script Deployments to Use SuiteCloud Processors

As of 2017.2, the SuiteCloud Processors feature supports a new system based on script processors rather than queues. It is now possible to change script deployments to use processors instead of queues. With this feature, even queue-based processing runs on processors on the back end. For more information about this feature, see SuiteCloud Processors. You can increase the number of queues or processors available to your account by purchasing SuiteCloud Plus licenses. For information, see SuiteCloud Plus Settings.

You can configure the Electronic Payments Queue Management to use script deployments configured for SuiteCloud Processors. The SuiteCloud Processors will automatically divide processing of the script used by the Electronic Bank Payments SuiteApp for generating payment files.

Map/Reduce script deployments for Electronic Bank Payments already use the SuiteCloud Processors by default. However, if you have existing custom Scheduled Script deployments, you have control over whether to stop using queues by clicking the Remove Queue button. After you select this option, the deployment no longer uses a queue and cannot revert back to using a queue. For more information, see Scheduled Script Deployments that Continue to Use Queues.


You should perform and test these changes in your Sandbox or Release Preview account before implementing them in your Production account.

To migrate a script deployment to use SuiteCloud Processors:

  1. Go to Customization > Scripting > Scripts (Administrator).

  2. Click Edit next to the script deployment record you want to migrate.

  3. Click Remove Queue.

  4. Click Save.

  5. Run and test your usual business process with electronic payments.

Recommendations and Considerations when Migrating Script Deployments to Use SuiteCloud Processors

Best Practices in Setting Up Queue Management

In setting up Queue Management, be guided by the following best practices:

Limitations of Scheduled Script Settings

Consider the following limitations of scheduled script settings:

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