The Setup Page
The Setup page is where NetSuite account administrators (and other users with a role granting permission) manage the details of your NetSuite account. The menu items available on the Setup page depends on your assigned role and permissions. If you are not an account administrator, many setup tasks are unavailable to you. Some menu items available on the Setup page are unique to a specific role or roles. See the following topics for information about Setup page menu items.
Company: see Set Company Preferences.
Accounting: see General Accounting.
Sales: see Setting Up SFA.
Marketing: see Setting Up Marketing.
Support: see Support Management.
Issues: see Issue Management. In particular, see Setting Issue Management Preferences.
Import/Export: see CSV Imports Overview and Additional Import and Export Options.
Users/Roles: See NetSuite Users & Roles.
Integration: see the following topics:
Setting Up SuiteSignOn Integration (Outbound single sign-on)
You may also see the following menu items on the Setup page, depending on what features are enabled in your account.
Payroll: depending on which payroll feature your company is using, see either SuitePeople U.S. Payroll or Payroll Solutions.
Customization: see Customization.
Site Builder: see SuiteCommerce Site Builder. See also Site Builder Overview.