Advanced SaaS Metrics Terms and Definitions




ARR is an acronym for annual recurring revenue.

The annual recurring revenue is the contracted or expected recurring revenue for subscriptions or contracts normalized for one year.

ARR is computed as follows:

  • ARR for contracts with less than or equal to 12 months term =Contract amount

  • ARR for contracts with more than 12 months term =(Contract amount ÷Term in months) ×12


MRR is an acronym for monthly recurring revenue.

The monthly recurring revenue is the contracted or expected recurring revenue for subscriptions or contracts for each month.

MRR is computed as follows:

  • MRR for contracts with less than 1 month term =Contract amount

  • MRR for contracts with more than 1 month term =Contract amount ÷Term in months


Term refers to the subscription or contract duration in months.

Source record

Source record refers to the record where information is retrieved for the SaaS Metrics dashboard.

The source record can be a primary record or a secondary record.

Primary source records can be invoices, sales orders, or CSV imported records.

In instances where there are separate information in fields that are available in custom records, you can use a secondary record. Secondary records are custom records the primary record references that contain some of the contract details.


Upsell refers to subscriptions or contracts that are upgraded and generate more revenue than the original subscription or contract.


Downsell refers to subscriptions or contracts that are downgraded and generate lesser revenue than the original subscription or contract.


Churn refers to subscriptions or contracts for a customer that have been canceled or are not renewed, provided that there are no other existing contracts for that customer.


Co-term refers to contracts with the same customer information and the same end dates, with one contract having a start date that is later than the start date of the original contract.

Co-term contracts are automatically considered as upsell in this SuiteApp.

Annualized amount

Annualized amount is calculated as follows:

Annualized amount =(Total contract amount ÷Term in months) ×12


Logos are also known as customers.


RMA is an abbreviation for return merchandise authorization. Returns of merchandise or items have an accompanying RMA record or transaction.

SaaS MR Create Contract Transaction script

The SaaS MR Create Contract Transaction script processes records and contracts so information about them can be viewed as metrics and reports on the SaaS Metrics dashboard.

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