Advanced SaaS Metrics Limitations

The following are the limitations of the Advanced SaaS Metrics SuiteApp, grouped by area.



RMAs and returns

You can change the class, department, and location values for an RMA to be different from the associated sales order. However, having a different value for the class, department, or location in the RMA affects the dashboard display if filters are used. The dashboard may display a downsell in the report without the associated sales order.

Supported accounts

Advanced SaaS Metrics is only available for OneWorld accounts.

Setting SuiteApp preferences

When using direct field linkage, the custom field created to manually link contracts must be of the same record type as the primary record. Selecting another record type may result in incorrect data on the dashboard.

For example, if you select sales order as a primary record, the custom field created to directly link contracts must also contain a sales order.

You can only select one primary record at a time.

For example, if you select sales order as the primary record, the SuiteApp only processes sales orders that meet the criteria set in the SuiteApp's Preferences page. Invoices and CSV imported records are excluded from processing.

If preferences are changed, the SuiteApp deletes SaaS Contract Transaction Records and recreates new ones based on the new preference.

It takes a while for the SuiteApp to delete and recreate transaction records. Make sure you select the correct primary or secondary record and field mappings before saving the SuiteApp preferences.

You cannot modify the SuiteApp preferences when the process of deleting or recreating contract transaction records is still ongoing.

There is no built-in field for taxed amounts using datasets.

If you want to map amounts with tax, you can use a script to include tax amounts with the original amount and the information stored in a custom field. The custom field can then be added in the primary or secondary record dataset and mapped to the Amount field.

Edits to secondary records are not automatically captured by the SuiteApp. If you are using secondary records as a source record, you must deploy the SaaS UE Transaction script to ensure that the SaaS Metrics dashboard reflects any edits to secondary records.

After deploying the SaaS UE Transaction script, the SaaS Metrics dashboard may not yet be up to date until the next run of the SaaS MR Create Contract Transaction script.

For more information, see Deploying Script for Secondary Records.

SaaS Metrics dashboard

The SaaS Metrics dashboard only displays data for up to 12 months from the current month.

Data and reports in the SaaS Metrics dashboard are not in real time. There may be new transactions or changes to existing transactions that are not included in the SaaS Metrics dashboard computations until the next run of the SaaS MR Create Contract Transaction script.

Supported transactions

Credit memo transactions are not supported by this SuiteApp.

Subscriptions in transaction lines are not supported by this SuiteApp for use in datasets and in the Source Record Field Mapping table.

Contract renewals

For automatic contract linking, the SuiteApp can only process one renewal contract per original contract.

For example, if there is one original contract and two renewal contracts, the first one will be treated as the renewal of the original contract and the second renewal is treated as a new contract.

CSV Export

When exporting records through CSV in the ARR Details and MRR Details windows, there is a limit of 35,000 rows and maximum file size of 10MB. It may take a while to export transactions that reach the transaction number limit or file size limit.

CSV Import

Using a Project entity is not supported when importing SaaS Contract Transaction Records through CSV.

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