Viewing Advanced SaaS Metrics Transaction Records

Administrators can view the transaction records for the SuiteApp. Viewing of these transaction records are not part of the usual use case but can be done to troubleshoot and check if records have been processed for inclusion in the SaaS Metrics dashboard.

The following are the two records that administrators can view:

Administrators can only view these records and cannot edit or delete them.

To view the Advanced SaaS Metrics transaction records:

  1. Go to Customization > Lists, Records, & Fields > Record Types.

  2. Look for the following records and click the List link for the records.

    • SaaS Contract Transaction Record

    • SaaS Processed Transaction Record

    The following information are available in the SaaS Contract Transaction Record.




    This column displays the SaaS contract transaction ID.

    Clicking the transaction ID opens the SaaS Contract Transactions record.


    Do not modify anything in the Custom tab of the SaaS Contract Transactions record. The Custom tab contains the Monthly Contract Plan that is used in the SaaS Metrics dashboard calculations.

    Do not create or delete a record, attach anything, or edit lines in the Monthly Contract Plan. Doing so can interfere with the SaaS Metrics dashboard calculations.

    Generated From

    This column displays the source of the contract transaction.

    • Native – The source record is either a sales order or invoice.

    • CSV Import – The source record is imported through the CSV Import function.


    This column displays the customer name for the contract transaction.


    This column displays the renewable item for the contract transaction.

    Term (Mos)

    This column displays the contract transaction term or duration in months.

    Reference Contract #

    This column displays the reference contract number for the transaction.

    Start Date

    This column displays the start date of the contract transaction.

    For RMA transactions, the RMA transaction date is used as the transaction start date.

    End Date

    This column displays the end date of the contract transaction.

    For RMA transactions, the end date of the accompanying sales order or invoice is used as the transaction end date.

    Primary Source Record #

    This column displays the ID number of the primary source record.

    For example, if the primary source record is a sales order with ID# 30. The number 30 is displayed in this column.

    Primary Source Record Type

    This column displays the primary source record type for the contract transaction. For example, a sales order or invoice.

    Transaction Amount

    This column display the amount of the contract transaction.

    Transaction Currency ID

    This column displays the currency ID of the contract transaction.

    Transaction Currency Name

    This column displays the currency name of the contract transaction.

    Start Period

    This column displays the start of the accounting period for the contract transaction.

    End Period

    This column displays the end of the accounting period for the contract transaction.

    Contract Renewed From

    This column displays the invoice or sales order from where the contract transaction was renewed.

    This field is not used for RMA transactions.

    Contract Renewed From -Contract #

    This column displays the contract from where the contract transaction was renewed.

    This field is not used for RMA transactions.

    Contract Renewed From Amount (Base Currency)

    This column displays the amount of the sales order, invoice, or contract from where the transaction was renewed. The amount is shown in base currency.

    Annualized Amount (Base Currency)

    This column displays the annualized amount for the contract transaction. The amount is shown in base currency.

    Churn Period

    This column displays the accounting period when the contract transaction was churned or canceled.


    This column displays the subsidiary of the contract transaction.


    This column displays the class for the contract transaction.

    The class information can be from the line item and if not available, it can be from the transaction body.


    This column displays the location for the contract transaction.

    The location information can be from the line item and if not available, it can be from the transaction body.


    This column displays the department for the contract transaction.

    The department information can be from the line item and if not available, it can be from the transaction body.

    Monthly Amount (Base Currency)

    This column displays the computed monthly amount for the contract transaction in base currency.

    This amount is calculated by the SuiteApp.

    Previous Monthly Amount (Base Currency)

    This column displays the previous monthly amount for the contract transaction.

    Amount (Base Currency)

    This column displays the amount of the contract transaction.

    Base Currency ID

    This column displays the base currency ID of the contract transaction.

    Base Currency Name

    This column displays the name of the base currency.

    Contract Type

    This column displays the contract type of the transaction, such as if the transaction is new or a renewal.

    Derived Order Type (ARR)

    This column displays the ARR derived order type for the contract transaction, such as if the transaction is considered as new in the ARR report.

    Derived Order Type (MRR)

    This column displays the MRR derived order type for the contract transaction, such as if the transaction is considered as new in the MRR report.

    Is Renewed

    This column displays a check mark if the contract transaction is renewed.

    Is Churned

    This column displays a check mark if the contract transaction is churned.

    Co-Term Contract #

    This column displays the contracts that are considered as co-term with the original contract.

    Co-term refers to contracts with the same customer information and the same end dates with one contract having a start date that is later than the start date of the original contract.

    Source Record

    This column displays the source record for the contract transaction.

    RMA Created From

    This column displays the sales order or invoice number from where the RMA was created

    RMA Created From -Contract #

    This column displays the contract number from where the RMA was created.

    RMA Contract List

    This column displays a list of RMA records associated with the sales order, invoice, or contract.

    Total RMA Amount (Base Currency)

    This column displays the total amount for all RMAs associated with the contract transaction.

    The following information are available in the SaaS Processed Transaction Record.



    Date Created

    This column displays the date when the contract transaction was created.

    Last Modified

    This column displays the date when the contract transaction was last modified.

    Contract #

    This column displays the ID of the processed transaction.

    Source Transaction #

    This column displays the primary source record number of the processed transaction.

    Contract Created

    This column displays the contract creation status such as if the contract has been created or not.

    Contract Creation Notes

    This column displays the notes during contract creation.

    Contract Processing Status

    This column displays the contract processing status, such as if the contract has been processed by SuiteApp or not.

    Contract Processing Notes

    This column displays the notes during contract processing.

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