Prerequisites for Installing the France Localization SuiteApp
Before installing the France Localization SuiteApp, you must first complete the following requirements:.
Required SuiteApps
The EMEA Localization SuiteApp is the only prerequisite SuiteApp for the France Localization SuiteApp. For more information, see Installing the EMEA Localization SuiteApp.
Some features of the France Localization SuiteApp require other SuiteApps to be installed. If you intend to use these features, then you must also install the following SuiteApps before installing the EMEA Localization SuiteApp and the France Localization SuiteApp:
Feature |
SuiteApp |
Installation |
France SuiteTax-based reports France Fichier d’Écritures Comptables (FEC) |
Tax Reporting Framework SuiteApp |
France financial reports in Country-Specific Reports SuiteApp framework |
Country-Specific Reports SuiteApp |
France electronic bank payment templates |
Electronic Bank Payments SuiteApp |
For information about SuiteTax reporting setup for France, see SuiteTax-Based Reports Setup for France Localization.
For information about electronic bank payment formats setup for France, see Electronic Bank Payments Setup for France Localization.
Enabling Company Features for the France Localization SuiteApp
To set up your NetSuite account for France Localization, you must also enable the multi-language feature. GL Audit Numbering and SuiteScript features are also required for financial reporting capabilities.
To enable company features:
Go to Setup > Company > Setup Tasks > Enable Features.
On the Company subtab, under the International subtab, check the Multi-Language box.
This enables the French language as an option in the Languages preference.
On the Accounting subtab, check the GL Audit Numbering box.
This feature is important to ensure France reports provided by this SuiteApp are available to you.
On the SuiteCloud subtab, check the following boxes to enable:
Custom Records – Required to create custom records such as report templates and precalculated balances.
Advanced PDF/HTML Templates – Prerequisite for the SuiteApp pages, such as the France Localization Overview page, among other pages.
Client SuiteScript – Required to enable client-side scripts for financial statements.
Server SuiteScript – Required to deliver bundles.
For more information, see SuiteCloud Features.
Click Save.
Setting Preferences for the France Localization SuiteApp
To use the accounting features of the France Localization SuiteApp, you must also set the required preferences, and accounting periods.
To set the preferences:
Go to Setup > Accounting > Preferences > Accounting Preferences.
On the General subtab, check Use Account Numbers. For more information, see Chart of Account Numbering.
Click Save.
Go to Setup > Accounting > Manage G/L > Manage Accounting Periods.
Click Set Up Full Year.
Fill the required fields for creating an accounting period. For more information, see Accounting Period Setup.
Click Save.
Go to Setup > Company > Preferences > General Preferences.
On the Languages subtab, select French (France) or French (Canada) and English (International). For more information, see Configuring Multiple Languages.
Click Save.