SuiteTax-Based Reports Setup for France Localization

If you will use France Localization with SuiteTax, you must do the following to set up the tax-related features:

  1. Install Tax Reporting Framework. For more information, see Installing Tax Reporting Framework.

  2. Install EMEA Localization SuiteApp.

  3. Install France Localization SuiteApp.

Failure to perform the installations in the proper order will cause problems in generating the saved searches that are needed for tax calculations.

As a workaround (to prevent uninstallation which deletes your data), you can update the EMEA Localization SuiteApp and France Localization SuiteApp in the France Localization Overview page in Setup > France Localization. On the France Localization Overview page, you will be notified of the failure in the registration of France Localization components in Tax Reporting Framework. The status will say Update Required. Click Update in the Action column. For more information, see Management of France Localization Components.

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